Ariel Deardorff chosen for ALA Student to Staff Competition

The ALA Student Chapter would like to congratulate Ariel Deardorff in being chosen for the ALA Student to Staff Competition!

Each year, 40 MLIS students are chosen to assist ALA staff during ALA Annual Conference. In exchange for working four hours a day (or a total of 20 hours), these students receive free conference registration, housing, and a per diem for meal expenses. During free time, they may attend programs and participate in other conference activities.

This year’s conference will be held in Chicago, Illinois from June 27 to July 2.

Have fun and learn lots, Ariel!

Meeting Minutes | November 14, 2012

Attendees: Chelsea Shriver, Jason Korff, Nadia Stennes-Spidahl, Yesenia Ricardo, Elspeth Olson, Nick Josten, Mary Jingleweski.

1. Approval of October 24 meeting minutes

  • Minutes were approved.

 2. White elephant book swap / bake sale

  • The date of the book swap / bake sale is November 21
  • Volunteers are needed to lead each part of the event:
    • Ysenia and Nadia will co-lead the bake sale. Ysenia will be there from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and Nadia will be there from 1-2 p.m.
    • Bake sale leaders should bring paper so that people can note ingredients.
  • Chelsea will create a Google doc for baked goods sign-up sheet.
  • Nick J. will lead the white elephant gift exchange from 12-1 p.m.
  • Bring extra books for people who want to participate but don’t bring their own. Cheap paperbacks are available from the book sale carts at public libraries.
  • Wrap them in anything, as long as it is opaque.
  • You can donate your book to the SIPS book drive if you receive something you don’t want.
  • Nick will bring a cigar box for collecting money.
  • For promotion it is okay to send an email to the LASSA list because it’s a school-wide event.
  • Jason will make posters for the bake sale.
  • Members should wear their ALA t-shirts or baking-related outfit.

3. Student-to-Staff Program contest

  • Deadline for the essay contest is November 15. Refer to the instructions sent by Layla on October 30. Email completed essays to Eric.

4. ALA Midwinter invitation from ALA@UW

  • There is an invitation from ALA@UW members to stay with them during the ALA Midwinter meeting, per email sent out by Layla. Take advantage of this great opportunity!

5. Treasurer’s update

  • The balance of the ALA@UBC account is unknown, but the club has some number of hundreds of dollars minus what was given to Chelsea to reimburse her for t-shirts. Jason will have a firm total once the LASSA treasurer gets back to him. 

6. Other business

  • January orientation
    • There is no way for clubs to email all the incoming January cohort, per Mary J.
    • ALA reps are needed for the Wednesday, January 2, orientation. The time is tentatively 12-3 p.m., but LASSA will confirm.
    • We will send out an email and encourage people to wear their t-shirts for the orientation.
  • In-kind donations for large events
    • In-kind donations are possible for future events. Through LASSA / AMS, we have non-profit status, so it may be possible to do cash fundraising, too, if multiple LASSA clubs join together to have one event. This will also help with cross promotion and attendance.
  • Big upcoming events to think about over the break: Freedom-to-Read Week, marathon reading event.

7. Next meeting

  • A Doodle poll will be sent out for the first meeting in January.

Meeting Minutes | October 24, 2012

Attendees: Chelsea Shriver, Jason Korff, Nadia Stennes‐Spidahl, Nora Kitchen, Alice MacGougan, Yesenia Ricardo, Caroline Crowell, Matt Ruen, Elspeth Olson, Nick Josten, Amber Saundry, Kaitlyn Sparks, Eric Meyers.

1. Approval of October 3 meeting minutes

  • Minutes were approved.

2. Events

  • Game Day (ASIS&T): The event will be held December 3 at Storm Crow at 6 p.m. There is space available, and Nick would like to cross-­‐promote the event, sending invites out through both the ALA and ASIS&T listservs.
    • December practicums starts that day, so people may not be able to attend.
  • Freedom to Read Week (BCLA/CLA): BCLA would like to do something for Freedom to Read Week in February. They haven’t met to start organizing, but would like to collaborate with ALA. o Judy Saltzman will be involved. She is a good resource and has connections at public libraries.
    • Participating in a BCLA event is a good opportunity to make contacts and put something on your resume.
    • Planning will begin in November before people start to leave, and Nick will head up the organizing committee. Chelsea, Jason, Nadia, Nora, Amber, Caroline (maybe), and Nick signed up to be on the committee.
    • One possible idea is to make banned book trading cards
  • Banned Book Week video (recap): Everyone, especially Kaitlyn the editor!, did great job, and the video looked nice.
    • External mics will be important in the future for better audio quality.
    • The video didn’t make it on the Banned Book Week playlist, but it was on the SLAIS webpage, and ALA@UBC did distribute it.
    • Next fall, the group can get more of a head start and produce a more professional video.
    • Eric has access to good A/V equipment through SLAIS and his projects.
  • White elephant book swap / bake sale:
    • What is it? Anyone can participate, but last year it was mostly ALA members. Participants bring in wrapped books so no one knows what they are, and books are swapped.
    • A bake sale sign-­up sheet will be made available so people can indicate what they will be bringing. Bake sale is donate what you want.
    • Chelsea will send out a Doodle poll (with date in the last couple of weeks prior to end of term) to determine the date, but it is usually Tuesday or Wednesday (11 a.m.-­2 p.m). Eric advised against it being scheduled on Thursday, November 22, as that is the day of Convocation.
    • Some options for buying cheap books for the swap include: public library branches cheap book sale carts, Koerner book sale (this happened last year, but not sure if it will happen this year, too).
    • If SIPS is doing a book drive again this year, people can donate their books to the drive if they end up with books they don’t want.
  • ALA Midwinter Meeting:
    • The resume workshop they are offering seems like might be valuable.
    • The meeting is January 25-­29, 2013, and at $65 for a student member, it’s about as cheap as it gets for a conference.
    • It may be possible to stay with ALA@UW people, and Elspeth will be in touch with them about that.
    • The schedule isn’t currently online.
    • Read email from Ariel Deardorff, whose dad is a librarian at the University of Washington: Basically he said that midwinter used to be primarily committee meetings, and “programming” wasn’t allowed. Now, however, many committees meet virtually so there are more discussion sessions. He said that the annual meeting is definitely more interesting, but given that midwinter is in Seattle it is probably worthwhile. I took a look at the sessions scheduled and it seems like there is a lot going on. I will probably attend.
    • It might be possible to get a group deal on transportation or carpool. About four people at the meeting said they might attend. Caroline will likely have a car.
    • Eric reminded the group about free readers copies available at the meeting.
    • Also, Carol Tilley who will be a speaker at the ALA midwinter will be giving a colloquium talk on January 30 (on comic books), and Eric hopes ALA@UBC will promote the event, there will also be an opportunity go to lunch with her.
      • Speaking of colloquiums: Next Wednesday (October 31) there will be a colloquium talk on scrapbooking in the Victorian era called “What the 99 Percent Read, and What They Did with It, a Hundred Years Ago.” Eric is also looking for students to attend lunch with the speaker, Ellen Gruber Garvey.
      • On October 24 there is a panel called “Engaging Youth With Indigenous Materials in Libraries and Classrooms” on how to select and use indigenous children’s materials. It is geared toward professionals in the field and will be in the Dodson Room. The panel will feature Allison Taylor-McBryde, Debra Martel, and Jan Hare.
      • There are also lots of good speakers coming up next term, so look out for them.

3. Student-­to-­Staff Program contest

  • The student-to­‐staff program contest process is moving a bit faster this year than last year.
  • How does the contest work? One person from our ALA student chapter will be selected to be the student-to­‐staff representative at the ALA Annual Meeting. The winner will attend the meeting, volunteer at the conference, and the award includes housing and registration costs and provides a stipend. The award does not cover airfare or meals. It is a great networking opportunity and allows the winner to see the inner workings of ALA. People who have won previously felt that it was an amazing opportunity. The meeting attracts about 25,000 people, and this year it’s in Chicago, June 22-­28.
  • The student-­to­‐staff representative is selected by an essay contest explaining why attending the ALA Annual Meeting would be your dream! (e.g. from Eric: This will do amazing things for me and my career, and I will do amazing things with it, and I will be the most amazing student‐to­‐staff person ever!) Usually the competition isn’t that heavy (generally only one entry). It is open only to people who will be students next year (graduating in May 2013 is okay, graduating in December 2012 is not).
  • ALA’s due date for selecting all of the student-­to­‐staff representatives December 19.
  • If you apply, you have to make a commitment to going. Usually the conference is the last week in June, and not during when classes are scheduled in the summer. If you have a job/co-­op/internship at a libraries, they are generally fine with you taking off for ALA.
  • There are five people who expressed interest in being selected, so it is determined that an essay competition will be held again. The deadline for submitting a one page essay is November 15. An announcement will be sent out with the instructions and the deadline.
  • Email your essay to Eric.
  • The winner of the contest will be asked to write up a blog post for the ALA student chapter blog. If you are interested in learning what it’s like to attend the annual meeting, you can read this blog post from last year.

4. Other business

  • The ALA t-­shirts have all been distributed.
  • We welcome our new treasurer, Jason, who is already working on the club’s finances.
  • There will be no co-­chair this term, but will try to find one after the new cohort arrives in January.
  • Matt Ruen with a LASSA update on the SLAIS listserv issues:
    • Basically, LASSA wants clubs to avoid sending repeated emails with lots of reminders to the LASSA Google group. It’s not that effective anyway because there are only about 75-­80 people on the list, and they are mostly the new cohort. It is by no means a complete way of reaching people at SLAIS.
    • LASSA is working with SLAIS to try to make the Connect portal more accessible for student clubs to make announcements.

5. Next meeting

  • Next meeting will be on November 14, 2012 at 11 a.m. in the Trail Room.