Meeting Minutes: September 9th

ALA Meeting Minutes: September 9th, 2013
IKBLC Trail Room, 1:00pm

Sept 9th, 2013 – Minutes

Matthew, Anna, Nadine, Grace, Kendall, Eric, Tracy, Mitchell, Hannah, Robin, Kaylin, Monica, Matthew R., Katie, Elise, Nicole, Amanda, Stephanie, Caroline

Officer Openings
Treasurer graduating in November, position opening
New officer:

ALA Roundup: 1st event of the year
Friday, Sept 27th at 5pm
Inspired by attendance to the ALA Conference
Vote: Koerners or Calhouns?
Result of vote: 5 / 7 Calhouns

Need to add Eric to mailing list

If approved by members will attempt to set a low cost
ALA will swallow the excess cost of the t-shirts, we will set a lower price
Handful of people raised their hands but –
Will have a sale table to fundraise the initial cost of shirts and take orders

Banned Book Week and Book Exchange
Banned Book Week Event fell mid-Sept. this year so we missed it
should plan during the summer next year if we want to have an event
Book Exchange: White Elephant-type event; wrap a book and exchange

Wikipedia Loves Libraries

Open Access Week (last full week of October usually)
Libraries host workshop to learn how to edit Wikipedia entries and improve quality of entires
Week of October 25th (the week of the SLAIS accreditation) _not the 21st_ which is an accreditation event for the students
Goal: Incorporate the editing of stub entries into the event

University of Washington ALA Student Group
Exchange with the UW ALA (Our contact person: Matthew)
They want to do this in January, which corresponds with a holiday for them (Is this MLK Day?)
Matthew is looking into arranging an earlier event
We will need to house exchange students

Other Events
Freedom-to-Read Week
Reading event with fundraiser bake sale
Haiku Event
Tends to fail (low turnout; got cancelled last year)
Distributor / publisher event
Getting to know the publishers and distributors better / getting a grasp on the general situation in the industry via panel or such
Showing of “The Librarian” series of movies and possibly “The Librarian” board game
Scholarship for students going to the ALA conference
Conference roundup will cover the conferences happening in or around Vancouver / Victoria

Update Charter
Membership terms are really vague
Includes the requirement that everyone be an ALA member
Executive positions must be filled by an ALA member (can happen post-election as needed)

ALA Promotion
The blog is going to get more active
Call for promotion ideas / ideas to get in touch with ALA
Trying to mediate the intimidation factor of ALA
ALA is a huge organization so there are many opportunities for volunteering
Lots of possibilities for recognition and professional development
Rob Bittner is a past student who’s ended up on high profile book award committees
Many committees need more people
Amanda: a suggestion is “what student involvement looks like at ALA”
Identifying avenues for involvement for beginner students

New Business
Ran out of time
Next Meeting?

Pre-Order your ALA tshirt!

The new ALA @ UBC t-shirt is ready to order. The design is from SLAISer Alyssa Feir (Thanks Alyssa!). Placing your order is very simple – just click on this link and follow the directions. Ordering is open until midnight, Wednesday, October 2nd.

The final cost of the t-shirts will depend on the number of shirts ordered, but ALA will cover any cost per t-shirt over $13.00.


As soon as the final order is placed, you will be contacted with the final price. We will be collecting money in SLAIS the week of October 7th-11th.


Also, there will be a contest next spring to design the next great ALA @ UBC t-shirt, so start percolating a few ideas now!


If you have any questions about tshirts, don’t hesitate to contact us.

ALA Conference Roundup, Friday, Sept. 27th, 5pm

ALA is hosting and ALA Conference Roundup this Friday, September 27th, at 5pm. You are all invited!

What: A chance to hear from fellow SLAIS students about attending the huge ALA Annual Conference held this past summer in Chicago. We will also discuss smaller conference options. Everything from why we went and how we paid for it to what we saw there, how to manage networking and do you need to have business cards even as a student will be discussed.

When: Friday, September, 27th, 5pm

Where: Buchanan B318 – Buchanan is the complex of buildings directly to the right of the Irving K. Barber Learning Canter (if you are facing the front doors). The easiest way to find building B is to go out the back doors of IKBLC and turn right. You will be walking straight towards Buchanan building B.

Afterwards: We will be heading to Calhoun’s cafe at 3035 W. Broadway after the discussion. Join us there even if you cannot attend the earlier event.

(It will make it easier for us to buy some soda and cookies for you all if we have an idea of how many people plan to attend.)

If you have any questions, please email us!

New Semester! New Events!

Hey all, welcome back to SLAIS! (Or welcome to SLAIS if you’re just starting.)

First Meeting of the Year!
Learn more about ALA, and order a tshirt.
Monday, September 9th, 1pm
SLAIS Trail Room

Discussion Panel: How to Go to a Huge Conference
Several current SLAIS students will describe their experiences attending the huge (almost 27,000 attendees!) ALA Annual Conference in Chicago earlier in the summer.
Friday, September 27th (Exact time and place to be determined)

More events to come this fall! (Including an exchange with our sibling group in Seattle?)

If you want more information, send us an email, follow us on twitter, or join our mailing list.

Mailing List:!forum/ubcala
Twitter: ubcALA