ALA Conference Student-to-Staff Program

We have a great opportunity for ALA members!

Each year 40 of the 60 ALA Student Chapters get to nominate one student to to attend the ALA Annual Conference (to be held this coming summer in Las Vegas, June 26-July 1; more info here: on the Student-to-Staff Program. This program covers the conference fee, housing, and a food per diem (but not the travel expenses) for the four main days of the ALA Annual Conference in exchange for four hours per day of volunteer work at the conference.

Here at UBC, the student is selected via an essay contest which is judged by our wonderful Faculty Advisor, Eric Meyers. The essay, of no more than 500 words, should address the question:

How will the student-to-staff program contribute to your goals as a SLAIS student and future information professional?

The essay should be emailed to Eric Meyers at by December 2.
Attached is a one page full description of both the Student-to-Staff program and the essay contest. Please know that you must be fully committed to attending ALA Annual!

More information on the ALA Student-to-Staff Program can be found here:

This is a wonderful opportunity (just ask our Student-to-Staff winner last year, Ariel Deardorff), so do consider applying!

Download the description: ALA_StS_Essay 2014