Meeting Minutes, February 10th, 2015

ALA Group Minutes

February 10, 2015

Present: Sadie Tucker, Kaylin Anderson, Anna Ferri, Matthew Murray, Chloe Riley, Christina Appleberry, Alex Kuskowski, Alan Woo

Minutes: Sadie

  • University of Washington Exchange
    • Went very well. Thanks to everyone who helped out!
    • Bus tickets did not end up being used. Anna has bought them.
    • If we want to continue the exchanges, we need to get on it quickly. UoW operates on a fairly strict cohort system, so if we don’t communicate now then we will be dealing with all new people in September.
  • Programming panel
    • Also went very well!
    • Matthew took some photos.
    • Sara Green said she had a great time and is open to people contacting her to discuss public libraries and/or community work.
    • We may want to consider doing a panel on a similar topic again, as it was extremely popular with the students. Some said it was the best panel they had attended at SLAIS (yay!).
  • Tote bags/Swag
    • May just let this topic fade away. Those present at the meeting were not huge fans of making more stuff that then take up space.
    • We can consider doing a screen printing event if people are really interested in making tote bags.
  • Freedom to Read Week
    • February 24th, 9am-3:30pm
    • Discussion panel at noon
    • Need to do internal group emails to drum up attendance.
    • Need people to bring food and also to read.
    • Anna and Appleberry will be there all day.
    • Will have display with some books and bookmarks.
    • Will have post-its where people can write down some of their favourite banned or challenged books.
  • Attending Conferences Panel
    • March 25th, noon-1pm, Lillooet Room
    • Matthew and Anna have agreed to be on it. Sadie will contact Chelsea Shriver to see if she can attend.
    • Appleberry will pick up $10 gift cards for panellists.
    • Sadie will set up a Google Doc for questions.
    • Set-up: Sadie, Matthew, Anna
    • Will have another bake sale by donation. Sadie will send out an email.
  • Executive positions
    • Will have election next month (March) for webmaster, treasurer, and co-chair.