Meeting Minutes, January 12th, 2016

ALA Group Minutes

January 12th 2016 Minutes

ALA @ UBC student chapter

In Attendance: Alisah, Erin, Kaley, Evan, Pamela, Shannon, Elizabeth, Victoria, Dothlyn, J’Amy, Neeyati, Claire.
Minutes: J’Amy McCracken


  • Freedom to Read Week
  • Student Exchange
  • Future Meetings
  • Events and Interests

Freedom to Read Week
Feb 25th – planning on having a panel discussion on a challenged or banned book. Sent out a call for papers and a call for presentations. Trying to get someone from Journalism school.

Student exchange
U Washington. Dothlyn made contact but hasn’t heard back yet.

ALA – Who we are?
Student chapter of the ALA
Student Membership in the parent organization $36
Processing for applying – need proof of enrollment

Regular timings for meetings
Second Tuesday of every month
Inclusive for MAS and MLIS

Sharing, what we are doing? How are classes going? What events are happening in campus or in the community? We should be building up our professional contacts now.
Relationship building

ALA webcasts – planning an event for people to watch and discuss together


  • A mixer for MAS and MLIS. Something to bring us together.
  • Announcement: Progressive Librarians Guild, roundtable on collections. Focuses on diversity, access and community. Proactive now – looking for input from those who would like to see certain topics come up such as collections development.
    SLA panel discussion next week Wednesday 20th. 11:30 – 12:30 lunch will be provided.
  • Movie night.

Minutes approval process.
If you have anything to add please bring to the next meeting.