If Only I Could Plant A Money Tree….


Yes, finally! It feels so nice to not be AS broke as I was. Many of my friends and I have been feeling the pains of the fincial side of university living. It seems as though everything is so expensive and it’s become a necessity to define wants and needs before I buy something. I’ve been employed with the Totem Park cafeteria for almost two weeks now and it’s been great to have just a little bit of extra money on hand. I actually enjoy the job and the people I work with. The hours are super flexible and it fits so well with my schedule. However, if you can’t get a job, I’ve realized there are other, sometimes even quicker, ways  of getting money.

During Jump Start I noticed all of these flyers with e-mail addresses on them asking for participants in various experiments. By the time the Jump Start was over I had made a decent amount of cash just by being a part of a few easy experiments. However, a more important aspect of money is saving it! Living on my own I’ve come to appreciate my income that much more and spread it only where it’s needed. One of my biggest expenses is food – I have to eat. So, I joined the Eco-To-Go program in my cafeteria which actually promotes sustainability and saves me some money. AWESOME! Essentially, instead of using the cafeteria’s styrofoam boxes or plates, participants are given a plastic to-go box. Every time it’s used you get a discount on your food and once you use it enough your name is entered for a prize that’s awarded at the end of the month. The program is completely free for students and it saves you money on your food!

While all of these tips are great, I’m open to more ways to save and make money, so if you have any on-campus tips please comment and share! Furthermore, I have a job interview this week for a second job on campus – Wish me luck!

Good luck with midterms 🙂

1 thought on “If Only I Could Plant A Money Tree….

  1. Samantha B

    I saved a ton of money on my meal card by not eating lunch or breakfast in the cafeteria. I bought fruit, bread, jam, and peanut butter for lunches, and cereal or instant oatmeal for breakfast. I still have money left this year that I can use!


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