Monthly Archives: February 2013

The Housing Crisis

This title is definitely way too serious for what I’m actually going to be talking about, but now that I have your attention…! Housing offers have recently gone out to everyone that has applied. Unfortunately, myself among many others have updated their Facebook status to something along the lines of “Homeless next year wahooo!” Of course my initial reaction was anger which quickly transitioned to fear – Where am I going to live?!

Thankfully, an unexpected savior came to the rescue – the UBC International Student’s Association. One of my friends invited me to an awesome Housing Resources Fair the club was hosting to assist those of us who didn’t receive housing for next year. For those of you who couldn’t make it to this event, I thought it would be helpful to provide you with some of the information I learned in case you, like me, had no idea where to start when it came to finding somewhere else to live. Below, I’ve attached a picture of a list of the links to check out that the ISA provided to help with finding housing. Best of luck with your searches and feel free to leave any suggestions about housing in the comments!

Midterm Stress?

It consumes all of us going through the process…

We hibernate in our rooms while studying…

Lose track of time…


But worst of all, we worry, naturally. I’m here to tell you – RELAX. We’re all so busy with exam stress we forget we made it this far. You did it last semester, do it again. 🙂


Finally, don’t completely bury yourself in your books and studying. Remember, especially on the sunny days, this campus is gorgeous. So breathe in, breathe out, and relax.





Hectic, In a Good Way

Hello All! And happy second semester!

I know it has been a while, but like most university students know – life gets crazy! Today’s blog is essentially about why my life has been so hectic and hopefully it can be helpful that it can make your life hectic as well – BUT in a good way.  I find that generally university life is going to be an eventful, yet busy, time in life so why not clutter it up with things that you’ll enjoy? Hence, my term “hectic, in a good way.”

So, let’s get right in to it. I’m sure you’re probably just bouncing up and saying asking “Alex! Yes! Please tell me how to make my life more hectic!” Well, don’t you worry, I’ll deliver!

*Tune In – What’s going on at UBC?

There’s always something cool going on around campus. Did you know there was a giant colon tour this past Tuesday in the Life Sciences Centre? I bet you’re bummed you missed that lovely exhibition (Check out the details here: But, don’t you worry – there’s tons more to do!

One of my favorite aspects of this campus is the support for understanding and diversity. This week is Out Week at UBC. All week is all about celebrating the wonderful diversity of sexuality. There are events all week and an awesome concluding conference this weekend. I’d definitely suggest checking it out!

There’s so much going on around campus, it’s difficult to know where to start or even make time. I suggest just checking out some of the booths in the SUB when you’re grabbing lunch or Starbucks. It’s an awesome place to start because there’s usually something going on.

For all the events at UBC in one place I suggest downloading the UBC app on your smart phone – it has all the events listed with all of the information. It is quite wonderful. If you don’t have a smart phone check out :


*BROKE? Ya, you and every other college student. Get a job J

Oh goodness I know this one doesn’t sound fun, BUT hang in there! Jobs on campus are one of the best ways to get involved, give back, make connections, and gain experience.  Two jobs I recently applied for, and got interviews for (*pats self on back*), were the positions of Residence Advisor and Jump Start Junior Leader. This is an awesome chance to interact with your peers and practice essential career skills. Who knows, you might have fun! Going through the interview process has been fun and unique because it was my first time being a part of a group interview or carousel session.

Happy job hunting!


*Join a Club! Volunteer! Apply to be on the Blog Squad!

One of the most awesome experiences I have been a part of this school year is doing what I’m doing now – blogging! The Blog Squad has become like a second fun family for me. I’ve met new people from all over the globe and different faculties. The best part is I get to read all of their wonderful and often hilarious blogs. There are so many clubs on campus; I honestly believe there’s something for everyone.


Well, I hope you find these tips helpful. Best of luck in your wonderfully hectic lives 😀