Tag Archives: Housing

The Housing Crisis

This title is definitely way too serious for what I’m actually going to be talking about, but now that I have your attention…! Housing offers have recently gone out to everyone that has applied. Unfortunately, myself among many others have updated their Facebook status to something along the lines of “Homeless next year wahooo!” Of course my initial reaction was anger which quickly transitioned to fear – Where am I going to live?!

Thankfully, an unexpected savior came to the rescue – the UBC International Student’s Association. One of my friends invited me to an awesome Housing Resources Fair the club was hosting to assist those of us who didn’t receive housing for next year. For those of you who couldn’t make it to this event, I thought it would be helpful to provide you with some of the information I learned in case you, like me, had no idea where to start when it came to finding somewhere else to live. Below, I’ve attached a picture of a list of the links to check out that the ISA provided to help with finding housing. Best of luck with your searches and feel free to leave any suggestions about housing in the comments!