[How to] Travel Solo (hint the answer is just do it)

How to Travel Solo

I just finished travelling 3 weeks completely by myself and I loved it. Not once did I feel lonely, or uncomfortable or worried. 

But I recognize that people do have apprehensions about travelling solo and the best piece of advice I can offer (although stolen from Nike) is: just do it. 

Yes it’s great to travel with friends but travelling solo has allowed me to discover what I like and where my values are. It has also allowed me to meet some ridiculously cool travelers in hostels and free walking tours. Speaking of free walking tours – do them. They are the best way to see a city. 

I feel like the tips relèvent to solo travel are the same for traveling with a friend:

– let someone (parents, friend back home, anyone) know your schedule in case something happens 

– register your trip with travel Canada (or other relèvent site for your county) and they will send you alerts in case something happens in the country where you are 

– use common sense. If you are unsure of a situation/person/place then don’t go forward with it

– that being said, you’re travelling so don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone (eat that weird food, try that extreme sport, talk to people 

– stay in hostels (they are cheap, you get to meet people and some even have free dinner and breakfast which helps to save your money!) 

And obviously – just do it! Whether you are 18 or 80 get out there, explore the world and travel. 

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