Monthly Archives: November 2016

Day 4


This challenge continues even though I suck at writing consistently. It is now technically day 6 but I have been so completely out of everything. I shall make this quick then.

Day 4 of my happiness challenge fell upon day 2 of my trip to Paris. This day was packed with things to do. Jenn (my friend from Vancouver who is studying in Strasbourg) and I made a Goliath of a list of places to visit. However, the weather restricted us to maybe half of the items on our list. This was alright though. I was happy that I was not feeling sick for most of the day. I was also happy to visit the Louvre for the first time. After that we saw Notre Dame, the Eiffel Tower, le Jardin du Luxembourg, la Musée d’art Moderne and again the Christmas Market in Champs Elysées. It was a packed day and I was so relieved to be walking around with Jenn. She was absolutely so accommodating to my slow pace. Even in the rain and through all the walking we did, she remained positive. Overall, I was happy to have great company throughout the entire experience.

Okay, on to day 5.

Day 3


(I’m horrible at posting but I’m just going to continue and pretend that this is me recounting the day as if it were that day. Am I making sense? Maybe not.)

My 30 Days of Happiness Challenge continues. Today is my first full day in Paris and so far it is amazing. The first stop today was to visit the Catacombs. The lineup to enter was fairly long and so the wait lasted about an hour. Thank goodness we stopped at PAUL before lining up to grab a few sandwiches because I might have started to become hangry. It was eerie, dark, and quite impressive. It was strange to see the bones of 6 million people. Every skull and bone unique to a person. How bizarre would it be to think that my remains could possibly end up in a place like that?


The next place we visited was, La Musée d’Orsay. Unfortunately for this museum, I had forgotten to bring my carte d’étudiant and this lead me to pay for a ticket to enter rather than reaping the benefits of being a student in France. Therefor, pro-tip: bring your student ID with you everywhere. Despite this minor setback, the museum was beautiful. I could not tell you anything significant about what I saw there but surely it was a beautiful place. One painting I did like there is called “Au lit et le chat”. At least, I believe that that was the title. The painting is a portrait of this woman in bed with her cat. That particular painting certainly resonated with me.

The day ended with a walk through the Jardin des Tuileries towards Place de la Concorde where lies the plaque indicating the place where King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette had been executed.

This day did not begin to have a theme of death and yet it happened to work out that way.

As we stood in Place de la Concorde, we found ourselves hungry and so we found our way to Le Marché de Noël des Champs Elysées. There we feasted on chocolat chaud and hot cider. The two beverages proved to be necessary in trying to survive the biting chill of the evening. Soon after a quick look at the Christmas Market, we made our way back to Karen’s apartment – Karen, being the friend from UBC who I was staying with. There, in her home, she made is the most delicious omelette which had mushrooms and truffles. I was spoiled that night. We ended the evening with a study session and a scary movie. I completely forget the name of the film we watched but it was definitely weird. It featured a woman who lived on a farm in The Walking Dead, and in the movie she ended up having to take care of this boy doll who may or may not have been alive. The movie might have been interesting if not for the fact that I fell asleep soon after the movie started.

I was happy to be with friends from back home in Vancouver. Throughout the day we talked about home and comparing our experiences in France to our lives in Vancouver. I was relieved to be in a conversation with people who shared my views on the experience of exchange.

Ok, à la prochain!

Day 2


Wow I have already failed my 30 Days of Happiness challenge. However, I will definitely make up for this with a double post today.

Yesterday, I was happy about the fact that I was leaving for Paris. My day started off very rushed as I had class in the morning and I had not even packed yet. I managed to catch my train on time and all was good. My train arrived at the station by Disneyland Paris and a wonderful couple decided to give me their extra train tickets for the next time I needed to use them. That random act of kindness was certainly something to be happy about yesterday. Also, I found my aunt yesterday in front of Sacre Coeur and we had dinner together. We tried escargot together and it was an interesting experience. After, I met up with a friend from Vancouver and made our way to our accommodation. All in all, meeting with my family and seeing friends from home made me so much happier.

It is now 7:50 PM.

A la prochain!

30 Days of Happiness – Day 1


It has certainly been a while since I have last posted anything on here. The reason for that is surely not because the workload is too much, but because I have been overly occupied with my perpetual state of sickness. Homesickness, food sicknesss, sick sickness. I am sick of being sick.

My state of being has been so close to rock bottom that I believe I can only move up from here. Hence, the commencement of my thirty days of happiness where I will share something happy. Because we all know that the world could use a little bit of happiness right now. Especially considering the turn of events with the American elections recently. The first thing I could say I am happy about right now is that I am a Canadian citizen. However, here is my first entry,

Today, I am happy with having the most supportive friends. Despite the nine hour time difference, we are able to communicate with each other and they continue to listen to all my shit. So bless them for having to hear about my problems while I am on what is supposedly an ‘envy-worthy exchange’.  I am also happy to have received a book from my brother today. It was my birthday present from him and it seems to be such an interesting book. I have forgotten the title however the book concerns race and identity in America. Once I finish the book I shall talk about it on here! Hopefully by then I will remember the title.

It is 11:37 PM and I am tired.

À la prochaine!