week 1 rmst 202 intro blog

Hi everyone,

My name is Amryn and currently I am a third year psychology major. I commute to school so it is about a 30 minute drive without traffic, however because of the snow today the short drive turned into 2 hours. It was horrific to say the least. I am super excited about this course, I would 100% call myself a reader and I mostly read fiction. During this winter break I read the throne of glass series (which I HIGHLY recommend) as well as the shatter me series, which was also extremely good. Nothing compares to a good Sarah J Mass book, she is undoubtedly my favourite author. If you enjoy fantasy I would suggest checking out her books. I took this class because I want to broaden my horizons and I have read none of the books on the list so I am excited for the challenge of reading something that is not just romance or fantasy. Being a psych student, most of our marks are either exams or essays, so I find it extremely refreshing to have a different grading structure, especially one that I believe I can succeed with. The first lecture made me look forward to the rest of the term, I appreciated the way the professor kept everyone engaged. As for the content of the lecture, for once in a long time I felt I actually had something I could contribute or at least I could follow along and not be completely lost. I was thinking about what makes a good book and how someone may love a book or like a movie and in my opinion, a good book makes you feel attached to the characters and to the environment of the book. Compared to a movie where you are mainly watching actions and listening to conversation, a book can give you insight as to what exactly a character is thinking in the moment. Their inner monologues as well as their out loud conversations makes me feel as though I am apart of the action rather than being on the outside looking in (as a movie would make me feel). As cliché as this sounds, books really do give me an escape from whatever stressful situation I encounter. I find myself getting lost in books more often than not and I think that is a good thing, I don’t see a downside because once the book ends you find yourself back in reality. The desire to keep escaping into different worlds is what draws me into a never ending cycle of reading.

I am looking into reading more mystery/horror books, so please leave any recommendations you may have. Thanks !

13 thoughts on “week 1 rmst 202 intro blog

  1. Sally

    Hi Amryn, nice to meet another fellow third year psych and a commuter student! It’s good to see that books help you in times of stress and how you view it as an escape into different worlds. What got you into reading, and how do you discover new books?

    1. Anonymous

      I am not even sure what got me into reading, I think I got recommended a book and was super bored so I was like let me just read this. Now here we are! I get 90% of my recommendations from booktok. The other times, ill be browsing bookstores or just from friends!

  2. Rhys Falby

    Hey Amryn! I too love the mystery/horror genre, so please send any recommendations you receive my way! I too felt very excited after the first lecture, I’m mostly excited to get back into reading. I’m feeling inspired by our professors method of grading, essentially encouraging us to read, and be rewarded for doing so. Can’t wait to hear more from you this term! See you around:)

    1. amryn Post author

      Hey Rhys, I will send you any good recs I receive ! I know the grading just adds to the excitement of reading honestly. Hope to see you around!!! good luck

  3. ximena avendano castillo

    Hey Amryn, I thought you made some really interesting points and as someone who really enjoys both books and movies I completely agree with what you said about books providing an insight on a characters thoughts. I really like mystery novels as well so here is a recommendation for you, “Dance, Dance, Dance” by Haruki Murakami, the title might throw you off at first but it top 3 best books I’ve read and the author has other amazing work, let me know if you check it out!

    1. amryn Post author

      OOOOHHH thanks you Ximena, I will be purchasing that book during reading week! I will update you on how it goes.

  4. tayedegb

    Hello Amryn
    I also have an intense interest in mystery/horror films and television series. My excitement was fueled by the first lecture, and I’m really excited to explore the world of reading.

  5. Sukanya Aggarwal

    Hello, Amryn. I, too, am a horror fan (mostly movies though) , but I’d want to go back into literary fiction, and I believe horror books would be ideal. Please let me know if you come across any good horror literature!
    Even as a nonfiction reader, I’m familiar with the concept of using books to escape from the world. Even if the book is talking about the world itself! I’m looking forward to reading your blogs this semester!

  6. amacph02

    Hi Amryn!
    I’m also a commuter student! Earlier today was awful, so I completely understand what you went through when it randomly decided to snow! What were your thoughts on the Shatter Me series? I remember reading that whole series (including the novellas) on a 2 week road trip. I was obsessed to say the least.

    1. amryn Post author

      GOSH the shatter me series shattered me. Aaron Warner was sending me through a rollercoaster of emotions. I loved it so much!

  7. Daniel Orizaga Doguim

    Amryn, welcome to the course! I can recommend a book Fever Dream by Samanta Schweblin… I think it’s quite disturbing.


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