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Funded Research, Current:

Making a home on campus: UBC’s International House and student housing policy, 1945-1975
Collaborators: Dale McCartney (Co-PI), University of the Fraser Valley; Gerardo L. Blanco, Boston College; Roshni Kumari, University of British Columbia.
Funding Agency: UBC Bridge Funding Grant, UBC Faculty of Education Inception Grant

Funded Research, Previous:

The Academic Profession in the Knowledge-Based Society (APIKS) (2016-2023)
Collaborators: Glen Jones (PI), Grace Karram Stephenson, OISE University of Toronto; Olivier Begin-Caouette, Université du Québec à Montréal
Funding Agency: SSHRC

Building Cascadia U: Settler Colonialism and the Cascadia Innovation Corridor (2019-2022)
Funding Agency: UBC Killam Research Fellowship, 2019-2020

Difficult Knowledge and the University: Race, Redress and (Re)presentation in the Exclusion Zone
Funding Agency: UBC Hampton Established Scholar Award, 2015-2017

Education Policy Analysis for a Complex World: The Possibilities of Post-structural Policy Analysis (2013-2014)
Collaborator: Kalervo Gulson, University of New South Wales, Australia
Funding Agency: SSHRC Connections Grant

Transnational Academics: Effects of Policy Interactions on Identity and Research Outcomes (2011-2013)
Funding Agency: UBC HSS Seed Grant

Gender and Academic Capitalism: Men and Women of the Entrepreneurial Academy (2008-2011)
Collaborator: Sheila Slaughter, University of Georgia
Funding Agency: SSHRC

Research in and through the Arts: 
An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Research in Education and Arts (2009-2011)
PI: Donal O Donoghue, UBC, Co-PI: Amy S. Metcalfe
Funding Agency: UBC HSS Grant

The Changing Academic Profession in Canada (2006 – 2011)
Funding Agency: HSS Seed Grant 2009-2010, Participation in the Changing Academic Profession Research Consortium: Understanding the Professoriate in a Transnational Perspective (Don Fisher, PI; Amy Metcalfe, Co-PI).

Funding Agency: UBC HSS Small Grant 2009-2010, The Changing Academic Profession: North American Faculty Collaboration.

Funding Agency: UBC HSS Small Grant 2007-2008, Research Capacities and the Changing Academic Profession in Canada and Beyond.

Images of Academic Science: Photographic Evidence of Scientific Research at the University of British Columbia (2006 – 2009)
Funding Agency: UBC Hampton Grant

Intermediary Organizations and Canadian Research Policy (2006)
Funding Agency: The University of British Columbia

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