
Course description


English 301 looks at written and online communication fundamentals in business and professional settings. Topics that will be covered include preparing abstracts, proposals, applications, reports, and online communication such as emails, texts, Web Folio and networking. There will be activities to analyze business and professional readings and online discussions, and peer reviews with peers to discuss the strategies and techniques used in these documents. Also, students will design and develop an online Web Folio with a resume. Through these activities, there will be opportunities to reflect on their own writing and develop self-editing skills. This course is intended for students in various disciplines such as commerce, science, education, and the health sciences. It may also be of interest to students in Arts Co-Op and other Co-Op programs.




My expectation for this course is to gain skills for writing in professional settings and be able to deliver information precisely and effectively. Being part of the co-op program, I realized the importance of not only having technical skills, but communication, written and online is equally essential in career development. I hope to gain more experience in becoming a better-written communicator through the course’s assignments, activities, peer discussions, and reviews.

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