[C296] The power of a logo

September 16th, 2012 § 0 comments § permalink

On Thursday, EBay unveiled a new logo for their website that will be implemented this coming fall, its first change since the company started 17 years ago. Although the well-known colours of the letters in the logo remain the same, the font is a more contemporary typeface and the letters are arranged in-line, giving a more professional look.  Why the change? EBay used to be the hub for all items weird and wonderful, specifically “used goods, vintage items and one-of-a-kind finds”. However, the company is moving away from these “quirkier” offerings that were sold auction-style into newer merchandise that are offered “buy-it-now” manner at full price to mimic other online marketplaces like Amazon.

On the surface, the logo change may only be small, but it is part of EBay’s intent to create a more contemporary and cleaner experience (as opposed to their old “quirky” image) that is now focusing on offering fixed-price merchandise. Logos are so important in communicating what the company stands for to the consumer and it will likely change when the company changes direction, as logos are closely tied how a consumer perceives a firm. EBay is positioning themselves in the consumer’s mind as a more professional, modern company simply through a logo change. EBay’s new logo is a marketing tactic that is part of the company’s larger corporate strategy. While the rebranding may initially attract more consumers, EBay must also implement more changes in the actual website and in the rest of its marketing that are also in line with the “new” EBay in order for this strategy to truly succeed.

Source – http://www.theglobeandmail.com/technology/business-technology/new-ebay-logo-ditches-quirky-image/article4542071/

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