On the topic of food…

As I chanced upon Stephen He’s post about “The Horrors of Dining Out in China“, I recalled my own personal trip to China and the restaurants I visited there.

I completely agree with Stephen that eating out is unavoidable as a visitor. Additionally, the statistic that one in ten times we dine out we will come across “gutter oil” is truly frightening.

I understand that competition within the restaurant industry is ruthless and that price and taste are important factors in determining the success of a business. However, cutting price by using the cheaper (and more disgusting substitute) “gutter oil”,is unacceptable.

Not only is it bad press if the restaurant is found out, but it can also harm customers’ health. Even if a specific restaurant isn’t found out, as Stephen said, “[customers’] willingness to dine out decreases”. After all, your health is worth more than the little bit of money you save when you purchase a dish. To the restaurant owner, it is also a better choice to not use “gutter oil” as it would show that you care about the customer, which will help build customer loyalty in these greasy times.

Your food has arrived!