Almost done!

So the semester is finally almost over (last exam tomorrow!) and I am ready as ever for the summer!  All in all, the semester went OK, but not great, so I think the 4 months coming up will be the much needed time to breathe and gather some energy and motivation for the next school year.  This past semester I took 4 courses; CONS 330 (conservation science and sustainability), BIO 304 (ecology), ANTH 326 (primatology), and APBI 315 (animal welfare and ethics).  As expected, after having taken APBI 314, APBI 315 surpassed my expectations and I looked forward to class each and every time.  ANYBODY who has the opportunity to take this course should, whether you have a passion for animals or not.  It really makes the difference in classroom quality when what is being taught is also part of the professors’ current career so you get a first-hand account and real stories on the subject matter.

As I finish up my last exam, I am also thinking about my summer plans.  For the first time in what seems like a long time, I have no concrete plans!  For the past many years, I have been fortunate enough to be able to travel abroad, but for this summer I decided I wanted to stay in Vancouver and enjoy it until the last days of sun.  I hope to volunteer  (hopefully both) with the Stanley Park Ecology Society and the Burnaby Wildlife Rescue Association.  At Stanley Park, I would like to get experience learning about/monitoring the local wildlife, and at the Burnaby WRA I want to get the experience of working in a wildlife rehabilitation center to narrow down whether or not that is the career path I want to go down.   As mentioned, nothing is finalized yet so hopefully by May I will know!

First post

Hello fellow GRSers,

I have finally created my blog!  Although I used to keep a journal, this is the first time for me doing a blog so it is somewhat strange having my posts more public.  Anyhow, I will begin with a little introduction about myself.

I am a first year UBC student, having just transferred from the Environmental Studies program at Langara.  I heard about the GRS program from my brother who graduated in it a few years ago.  I was jealous and admired what he was learning and the opportunitiesthat he had, so this program seemed like a great fit for me.  As well, after I was fortunate to be able to travel in 2009 for a year, I caught the travel bug and am eager to go on my next trip.  I intend to specialize in animal welfare and behaviour, and have chosen my region of specialization to be Latin America.  My family is from Mexico City and so I grew up half knowing Spanish, and loving the culture.  I am so excited to be able to mix myinterest in Latin culture and becoming fluent in Spanish with my love for animals in one degree.

As mentioned above, I did some travelling after about 2 years at Langara.  I went to Spain for 2 weeks with my sister, and then settled in Israel for about 8 months (where I also visited Petra in Jordan) and went around Thailand for just under a month.  While in Israel, I was on a very casual program that helped me with accommodations, little trips, meeting other people, etc.  It was my 3rd time in Israel but I wanted to get the experience of living there for a time.  I did some volunteering at the SPCA in Tel Aviv, on the ambulances (it is very popular for youth to take a course, for Israeli’s and internationals, to become certified to volunteer with the paramedics), and then lastly on an animal reserve in the south of Israel.  The whole experience was amazing.  I had very uplifting times and some very rough and sad times, having to witness humans and dogs/other animals in bad situations.  I think it is very important and humbling to have experiences of both kinds so as to open one’s eyes to some harsh realities, but also to see positive and great things.

I have been thinking a lot about where exactly I will go for my exchange/volunteeringabroad, and have come across a few options.  Before I had decided to go to Israel, I was also debating on whether to go to Bolivia to volunteer at an animal refuge called Inti WaraYassi.

I have been keeping up with this sanctuary ever since I discovered it in 2009 and I will almost most definitely be spending some time there next year.  As well, I want to do a semester abroad in Mexico or another Spanish-speaking country, but preferably Mexico.  There is much much planning and decision making to do!

That is all for now!

Hasta luego…