Another one goes by…

One more semester has ended, only 2 more to go (plus one summer course)! Now that I finally  can see the end of my undergrad coming in the near future, I feel a sense of relief and glad that I can really start making tentative plans for after.  It has been a long haul (6 years) and I am ready to begin on something new. I did enjoy this semester, largely due to being in Dr. Fraser’s APBI 490: Animal welfare and global issues.  This is the 3rd class I have taken with him and unfortunately the last, in my undergrad at least.  Dr. Fraser is one of the most inspiring, kind, intelligent, and humble human beings that I have had the honor of being a student of, and I greatly wish that he taught more classes.  I recommend any of his animal welfare courses, regardless of one’s academic background or interests; it will be inevitably be one of the best courses ever taken with much to take from.

So back to the almost coming of end of my undergrad. The one thing I know almost positively that I wish to happen once I finish at the end of 2013, is to take a year off to work lots, save, and go travel South America and Mexico.  In particular, I want to spend at least a couple months at a wildlife refuge/rehabilitation center in Bolivia called Inti Wara Yassi (  I have been very interested in visiting this center for several years now, and after meeting someone from Vancouver that actually spent some time there and is planning on going back, I know that I have to visit.

Hopefully things continue on this track!