Dark Table

It is what the name suggests – a dining experience in complete darkness. Dark Table‘ is a local restaurant here in Vancouver that embodies what social entrepreneurship is all about. The concept behind this blind dining experience is an attempt to provide customers with an experience of the heightening of senses which occurs when sight is removed. This unique idea has sparked a lot of interest within the local community and what has brought even more positive publicity for the restaurant is the fact that all the employed servers are blind.

The owner of ‘Dark Table’, Moe Alameddine, is proud to provide employment for the visually impaired. In BC, the unemployment rate of the blind is a staggering 65-70%, which means that an opportunity such as the one that Alameddine is providing will be extremely hard to come by. Alameddine has said that “It was really hard in the first couple of months in Montreal to train people when I started. I didn’t have any experience with blind people and I had to start by teaching them how to come to the restaurant on the bus.” Although there were many obstacles that needed to be overcome at the beginning, the positive effects of this business venture will be greatly felt by the visually impaired community of Vancouver.

To read more, click here.



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