High grades = intelligence?

I just received my first midterm grade back and along with that I also received a minor heart attack. I got a low grade. I’m not talking “OMG I hate my life I ONLYYY got 99.5% ughhhhh” low,  I’m talking low. Like lower than kicking someone thats already on the ground. It was low.
As much as my low grade surprised me, cause well, this is one of my favourite classes we’re talking about here.  Seriously, sociology is my jam. I read my text book FOR FUN sometimes. I enjoy talking about socialization and the different cause of divorces due to it. I ENJOY going to class. It’s a good time. Yet somehow, it wasn’t a well enough time to get me the grade I thought I was going to get, because I didn’t think I had to study because I thought I was superwoman (I know, I was surprised when I wasn’t, too).
My reaction to this was very interesting. After the initial shock and the “Is this really my grade?” part of it all I realized something. I’m not mad or sad or depressed. I realized I don’t know how to study for this particular class. I really don’t. I mean, I do know what I’m talking about but when I sit at an exam it feels like I just walked into the wrong classroom and I’m taking an engineering exam and I don’t have a calculator. It’s crazy.
Either way I realized I have 3 ways out of this situation
A. Keep messing up my sociology exams.
B. Talk to my Enrolment Services Professional and my professor to try to get advice about my studying skills.
C. Look at videos of cats.
I decided to go with a cheeky combo of C followed by B. And I encourage you to do the same. As much as it might feel like it, grades don’t reflect your level of intelligence, regardless of what faculty you are in. Rather they reflect how well you can remember certain things given the questions you receive. Don’t fret, it’s the beginning of the term and one bad grade isn’t going to ruin your life. Seriously, you’re good. Regardless of how low your grades have been, as long as you make an attempt to turn it all around it’s all good.
Slacker woman ready to become Super woman
PS. Make use of your Enrolment Services Professional. They know what they’re doing to 100% and they’re a great resource. Also, mine replies within a day which is amazing.

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