Monthly Archives: October 2013

Technology – Good or Bad?

Technology has now proven to become one of the most important aspects of our lives currently. They have made work extremely easier  for us and they are really efficient. The technology businesses and industries are also doing extremely well coming out with innovative and creative gadgets every year. Though are we really getting too attached to our technology? Is this level of attachment healthy for us? If all technology were to be taken away would we be able to go back to our normal lives instantly?

The answer is no. Studies have found that students have generated an addiction to technology which is quite similar to drug cravings. It was found that “four in five students had significant mental and physical distress, panic and confusion and extreme isolation when forced to unplug from technology for an entire day” (Telegraph, 2011). All students had the same words to explain their feelings when isolated from technology. On the other hand, some students did realize the benefits to this experience, they felt that they got into “more in-depth conversations” (ibit) without their gadgets.

Will there be a time somewhere in the future that human interaction will decease and will be restricted only through technology? Only time will tell.


Hough, Andrew. “Student ‘addiction’ to Technology ‘similar to Drug Cravings’, Study Finds.” The Telegraph. N.p., 8 Apr. 2011. Web. 24 Sept. 2013. <>.


Samsung and Apple have been close competitors in the tech industries for many years now. They have also experienced many lawsuits regarding the designs of their smartphones, tablets and computers. Cases over patent infringement are now a routine between the two companies on a global level.

Though, Samsung does not stop there, recently it copied the original iPhone ad from 2007. Though it may seem like a total coincidence, after examining the ads closely they are quite similar. In the iPhone ad the advertisement showcased a traditional looking device, montage of movie and TV characters talking (on a telephone/phone devices) and then introduced a new device. After 6 years now, for the Samsung Galaxy Gear, the ad strategy is similar. Keeping the fact that the Samsung Galaxy Gear looks too similar to the Apple Touch Screen Ipod Shuffle this is not the first time “SameSung” has copied an Apple ad. Last year, Samsung hired the same actress as Apple in their ads.

Apple: +1
Samsung: -15


1.)  “Samsung Galaxy Gear Ad Copies Original IPhone Ad from 2007 [SameSung].” Obama Pacman RSS. N.p., 07 Oct. 2013. Web. 07 Oct. 2013. <>.



Clean up your Facebook!

Facebook is an online social networking service which has become quite famous since it launched in February 2004. It is an extremely convenient platform to communicate and stay connected to people all over the world. It has taken social networking to a whole new level. With features such as adding photos, videos, instant messaging, online communities and the list goes on it has become a popular social networking site. Though, there is always a limit to the usage of a certain product or item, in this case, Facebook.

In recent times it has become so easy to access an individual’s information online that it can be extremely hurtful and damaging. One such example is potential employers checking an individuals Facebook page as a pre-screening process. Such information can be extremely damaging to one’s career. Three-quarters of recruiters check applicants out on the internet when hiring (Nolo, 2013). If they find any references to drug use, heavy drinking, sexually offensive material, violent material etc they reject job applicants (ibit). Recently, employers have also started to ask applicants to provide their passwords and log-in information as part of the interview process.

This is a major infringement on our privacy’s, and the issues of discrimination, ethics and morality spring up. Steps such as updating one’s privacy and account settings on Facebook can hide private information that one posts on Facebook away from potential employers. Once you start embarking on a job search you might want to consider going through a clean up. Or start now and make sure that your use of all your online media, specially Facebook is within limits and used professionally.



Guerin, Lisa. “Can Potential Employers Check Your Facebook Page?” N.p., 2013. Web. 01 Oct. 2013. <>.