
Re: We Day – Empowering Young Social Entrepreneurs:

Addition to Joanna Huang’s Blog Post.

“The best way to find yourself it to lose yourself in the service of others.” – Mahatma Ghandi

Every year, We Day attracts thousands of students to Rogers Arena to take part in one fo the most inspiring and  hyped events in Vancouver. On October 18, 2012, the Arena became a nest for budding Social Entrepreneurs or in Joanna’s words, a place where “Craig and Marc Kielburger, as social entrepreneurs, have left a legacy- a movement for change”.


With stars like Demi Lovato, Shawn Desmond and One Republic coming in to advoate for change in the world, many are listening. And with Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Spencer West, many are finding out HOW (class link).  Staring with how Craig and Marc Kielburger founded Free the Children, students around the lower mainland are taught that anything is possible if they are determined and passionate enough for their cause. Here, people are taught that even the smallest actions can change the lives of those less fortunate than us.

After attending We Day, many students can’t help but start something new in their communites. Many start a club, hold fundraisers, and even travel to third-countries because they believe they can make a change. These students , just like Craig and Marc Keilburger, are on the right track to becoming Social Entrepreneurs.


Re: Foxconn Guilty Of More

Response to Ashley Belzil’s Blog Post.

The first step to improving the rights of Foxconn workers is admitting to the crimes Foxconn committed. Adding to the already extensive list of atrocities they have done, “underage hiring” joins Foxconn’s indelible record.


Foxconn has admitted to hiring underage interns, effectively violating both China’s Labour Laws as well as Foxconn’s own policies. This company has already been under much scrutiny and criticism resulting from the discovery of it’s poor working conditions and underpaid employees.

The minors hired where directly sent from schools with Foxconn making no confirmations of their ages. These interns were with Foxconn for over three weeks and were subjected to the same working conditions as the other employees . A bit much for children who are below the age of sixteen.

Foxconn seems to have a continually growing list of crimes to add to their list. Although they have already begun to mend their reputation by slowly improving the quality of the workplace of it’s employees with properly adjusted wages, we seem to have only touched the tip of the iceberg with their many cries that are slowly coming to light.

Article: http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2411004,00.asp


Product Placement at Its Finest

Target has approached product placement from an entirely different angle.  Target’s new advertising gig features a series of short films that showcases products from it’s stores. To put it simply, everything -except perhaps the people, the real estate, and the cars- are available for purchase at Target.

Their aim? See the things you want to buy in action. It places these items in a short films, staring Kristen Bell, and allows its audience to view a living catalogue.


In our media filled society, one of the best ways to reach the average consumer is through the media. With sites like YouTube and Facebook becoming more popular, customers have become easier to access by advertising in sites they visit the most. Furthermore, seeing a few stars sitting on the same couch or buying the same mug you already like would further convince you to buy the product you want.

This is definitely a unique way of advertising. Perhaps this will begin the trend of creating living catalogues that people can just watch and be entertained by instead of having to flip through the pages of a magazine.

Watch the trailer at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWuMOKkMQSQ&feature=BFa&list=UUralvBh1hSGRf4SrjS-mY7Q

Watch the videos at: http://fallingforyou.target.com/

Article: http://www.torontosun.com/2012/10/04/kristen-bell-falls-for-target



Blackberry vs iPhone No Longer

It seemed like just a few months ago, the ongoing social debate about which electronic device was better was ubiquitous in our daily lives. Which is better? An iPhone or a Blackberry?


Well, that debate has now ended. Blackberry no longer holds the title as one of the top brands in the world. In fact, it is now at the bottom of the latest Interbrand Rankings. The Blackberry brand no longer hold as much influence over the public as it used just a few months ago. Consumers have moved on to the next big thing.

The iPhone vs. Samsung Galaxy Battle.


The quick switch just goes to show how quickly our society changes its taste and opinions. The latest trends is the at forefront of our minds in order to retain our image. However, you may notice that there is one common link between the two trends. The iPhone. The key to success in today’s technologically revolutionary times is the continuous innovation of new products or the significant improvements of old ones. Apple has done just that, continually releasing new Apple products, building on the hype of its previous ones.

This new Samsung Galaxy had better tread its ground carefully lest it become just like the Blackberry.