
The Next Best Thing to Ice Cream!

Should I buy another DQ Blizzard? A cone perhaps? Maybe even a McFlurry? Or should I not buy it at all? Is it worth the several hundred calories?

We’ve all been there, debating whether or not we should be buying this delectable dessert or whether we should pass on the few extra grams of fat. Well, our decisions have just been made that much easier by Qoola.


Frozen yogurt has become the next best thing next to ice cream. As one of the few frozen yogurt stores in Vancouver, Qoola’s increasing popularity has been fueled by its point of difference and THE new trend : eating heathy. With the consumer marker quickly trying to stick to healthier products, this “kosher, gluten-free, non-fat”1, low calorie, fruit-filled, while still tasting amazing dessert could not have arrived at a better time.

Quoola’s unique service involves the customer creating one’s own dish. Stating off with selecting a flavor of frozen yogurt (chocolate, taro, acai, and more!), then moving on to choosing which toppings are the most desired, all the choices are made by the consumer themselves.

By catering to the healthy desires of it’s customers, Qoola has successfully established itself as one of the leading frozen yogurt stores in the Vancouver area.

So, next time you’re craving for ice cream, try something new and healthier by trying Qoola instead!



Chevron’s “Contribution” to Nature

The Amazon Rainforest, with its majestic river, lush jungles, and perpetual diversity, has been the epitome of natural grandeur. Now, imagine this symbol tainted. Its blue rivers turn black, it’s lush forests dying and diversity plummeting. This has been the new reality the Amazon has been faced with since 1972 when Texaco, a company that merged with Chevron, dumped 17 million gallons of crude oil in unlined pits. The result? A polluted river that is the water source of many plants, livestock and humans who inhabit the rainforest.


Chevron was accused of these crimes for over two decades and this whole debacle has yet to settle. Although Chevron has already been fined repeatedly, many are still calling to have their actions brought to justice. Environmentalist and people who were affected are unsatisfied with the way Chevron has been dealt with. They believe a harsher punishment is appropriate for the way their lives and natural habitat has been disrupted. Many bathe, drink water, and depend on the river Chevron has polluted. All this, for a cheaper way to get rid of waste.

With the scarcity of unchanged and untouched natural places in our world it is imperative that we preserve whatever is left. The previously pristine Amazon Rainforest should be protected for as long as possible. Chevron should be willing to pay the extra buck to avoid pollution. There are many ways to properly dispose of oil and this is definitely not one of them.

Is it worth it to flood the Amazon River with oil to increase the profits of a company? Definitely not.