Product Placement at Its Finest

Target has approached product placement from an entirely different angle.  Target’s new advertising gig features a series of short films that showcases products from it’s stores. To put it simply, everything -except perhaps the people, the real estate, and the cars- are available for purchase at Target.

Their aim? See the things you want to buy in action. It places these items in a short films, staring Kristen Bell, and allows its audience to view a living catalogue.

In our media filled society, one of the best ways to reach the average consumer is through the media. With sites like YouTube and Facebook becoming more popular, customers have become easier to access by advertising in sites they visit the most. Furthermore, seeing a few stars sitting on the same couch or buying the same mug you already like would further convince you to buy the product you want.

This is definitely a unique way of advertising. Perhaps this will begin the trend of creating living catalogues that people can just watch and be entertained by instead of having to flip through the pages of a magazine.

Watch the trailer at:

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