BTM in Practice – Mobile Credit Cards in Action

Our world is slowly being revolutionized by innovative technology that seeks to make our lives more efficient and a lot easier. Most of these technological advances have been born to be used in our cellphones, those little pieces of technology that most of us can’t function without.

Smart phones are a form of management information systems and become a form of business technology management with the way they have implemented another method for paying for purchases. Canadians will now be able to use their cellphones as a “mobile credit card”. This idea is welcomed by almost 47% of Canadians spanning every age. This will allow faster transactions and another thing that Canadians can add to the ever increasing functions of their cellphones.

However, there is still some skepticism regarding the system’s accuracy and accessibility. This form of payment will only be available with a certain type of software and during the system’s test runs, it only had an accuracy rating of 19/20.

Despite these minor problems, this new piece of technology seems to be the future. It won’t be long before even credit cards and debit cards become obsolete.

As CIBC’s David Williamson said, “making the first mobile credit card payment means that we are one step closer to allowing Canadians to store everything they need, securely, in their smartphone.”



Class Notes: What are management information systems? 

What is business technology management? 

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