Re: Foxconn Guilty Of More

Response to Ashley Belzil’s Blog Post.

The first step to improving the rights of Foxconn workers is admitting to the crimes Foxconn committed. Adding to the already extensive list of atrocities they have done, “underage hiring” joins Foxconn’s indelible record.

Foxconn has admitted to hiring underage interns, effectively violating both China’s Labour Laws as well as Foxconn’s own policies. This company has already been under much scrutiny and criticism resulting from the discovery of it’s poor working conditions and underpaid employees.

The minors hired where directly sent from schools with Foxconn making no confirmations of their ages. These interns were with Foxconn for over three weeks and were subjected to the same working conditions as the other employees . A bit much for children who are below the age of sixteen.

Foxconn seems to have a continually growing list of crimes to add to their list. Although they have already begun to mend their reputation by slowly improving the quality of the workplace of it’s employees with properly adjusted wages, we seem to have only touched the tip of the iceberg with their many cries that are slowly coming to light.


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