Email Message



Date: September 23th, 2020

Subject: ENGL 301 99A Jessica’s Application Letter

Dear Jessica,

I have noticed that you have written an application letter on your ENGL 301 Blog and I am very impressed by what you have achieved. Therefore, I would like to invite you to be a part of my professional writing team.

In your application letter, I noticed that you were a member of UBC PINK as well as a student intern for Nike and Urban China. I believe that you have acquired valuable communication and writing skills during that time period. I also acknowledge your work ethic in dealing with multiple projects which could be valuable for our future projects. You demonstrated that you possessed great communication skills and I think you will be an excellent addition to our writing team.

I have attached my personal application letter if you wish to. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind Regards,

Barton Lui

An email memorandum to Dr. Erika Paterson



To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor of ENGL 301 99A, UBC

From: Barton Lui, Student, ENGL 301 99A, 25974197

Date: September 17, 2020

Subject: Letter of Application for Engl 301 99A writing team


Just as you indicated in the instructor’s blog, I have written a letter of application and have posted it in my own blog. I will attach the file for you in this memo.

In the application letter, I have mentioned:

  • My writing experience in two different UBC clubs
  • My achievements while being part of the organization
  • Why my experience will help me be a suitable writing team member
  • My learning philosophy.

Thank you very much for taking the time to help us learn in this course.


ENGL301 Barton Lui

Application Letter

Dear class ENGL301,

Is your team looking for an enthusiastic, reliable writing team member who is always striving for excellence and professionalism? If so, please consider me as a potential candidate for your writing team. I am a fourth-year Commerce student studying real estate. Below are my experiences as the president of the Vancouver Housing Market club and a past sponsorship director of YNOTFORTOTS, a children’s charity club.

I was the sponsorship director of YNOTFORTOTS from 2019-20 and I was responsible for cold calling and emailing businesses and managing external relationships with businesses. I have been constantly writing emails to different organizations with the goal of forming a successful partnership. As a result, I have successfully secured three reliable partnerships with Café de Crepe, Aphrodite Organic tea shop and the Mustache in a short period of one month. Our members were able to enjoy discounts when purchasing at their shops.

Currently, I am the President of the Vancouver Housing Market club and I manage a team of four executive members and provided real estate knowledge to our members. My main job is to write promotional letters, design brochures and posters, organize and conduct interviews with industry professionals, and collaborate in writing the monthly newsletter for our members.

I may not be the most eloquent writer, but I am always motivated to upgrade myself. I understand that while English is not my first language, I will have to dedicate much more time just to improve my writing skills. That is why I have participated in the roles listed above. In ENGL 301, there will be plenty of writing assignments we have to complete. That is why you should have someone who has the experience in technical writing and have done it multiple times. If you think I will be a good fit, please do not hesitate and contact me.

Barton Lui

ENGL301 Barton Lui

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