For the final project deliverable, we divided the workload into multiple tasks to effectively manage the magnitude of work, and complete prior to deadline ensuring the client receives an effective and comprehensive report.
List of Tasks:
1. Analysis of data using RETScreen Plus
Responsible: Daniel Tan and Mike Louws
Utility, weather and audit data
RetScreen – free software from
No monetary costs
Tasks: Acquire Utility data from client, the weather data from NASA satellite, and input into RetScreen Plus.
Estimated time for completion: 3 days
Methods for completing task: Retscreen programing to achieve working energy model
Risk issues: Inaccurate data could make the final report obsolete
2. Comparison of results to existing data
Responsible: Eliot Huang and Katie Luo
Resources: Data analysis from previous task
No monetary costs
Tasks: Compare the results from Daniel and Mike to existing data to confirm or optimize energy data
Estimated time for completion: 3 days
3. Format project deliverable for client
Responsible: David Tran and Will Li
Resources: Analysis data and comparison results from previous tasks
No monetary costs
Tasks: Acquire information from Elliot and Katie for report writing
Estimated time for completion: 9 days
Google Document will be utilized for report writing
Risk issues: Incorrect reporting could provide a setback for client
Project Management Aspects of our CBEL Project:
As a group, we are to develop skills working in a team, however within that structured environment we also have to develop project management skills to ensure success working in a six person team. The following are skills that we have acquired project management wise:
Prioritize time for team meeting, group work and individual research
Coordinate with each other team members and client
Subdivide into multiple groups within group to maximize efficiency
Organize and distribute work load within team
- On a personal level, develop effective communication skills between members and client
Examples of Excel data sets used for analysis:
Electricity Consumption Data
Gas Consumption Data