
undergrad courses taught at UBC

Courses for  2019/20

  • GEOB 206 – Geomorphic Processes and Hazards (term 2)

grad courses taught at UBC

Courses for  2019/20

  • n/a

useful links

recommended courses for P.Geo registration

Note: the courses listed below are extremely useful for the typical practice of Geoscientists who graduate from the department of Geography at UBC. While you can register without taking these all these courses, they are all very useful and are highly recommended.

  •  1st year: MATH 100, 101, BIOL 121, CHEM 121, GEOB 103, PHYS 101, 102
  • 2nd year: MATH 200, EOSC 211, 220, 222, 250, GEOB 200, 206, 207, 270, STAT 200
  • 3rd year: GEOB 300, 305, 308, 309, 370, 373, EOSC 329, 350
  • 4th year: GEOB 405, 406, 408, EOSC 428, 429

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