Flipped Classroom

I believe that we as teachers spend so much time teaching the fundamental principles and concepts of mathematics during class time. We should use class time for students to explore and inquire, rather than just to learn the basics. How can this possibly achieved if there is only a limited amount of class time? The answer is simple. We can use use the flipped classroom concept so that students can watch introduction videos of a specific topic. Afterwards, we can further explore the topics and inquire about them during class. I myself have created a lot of videos for Calculus 1, 2 & 3, as well as Linear Algebra. I will start to create videos of other topics such as economics, and Differential Equations in the future. This is a list of topics I have for Linear Algebra as of now.

Now how does this exactly work? First, the student will click on a topic that they will be learning before class. Then usually below the video, I typed out the basic notes for the lesson (like formulas and definitions), so that students can read them below the video.

Then below the notes will be an overview of the topic. Each part of the overview will direct them to a video clip that specifically for that part.

If the student chooses to do so, they can try to do some of the questions for that topic. If the student struggles to complete the question, they can click on the question so that it directs them to a video that gives them a step by step solution.

Now that they know the introduction of the topic at home, class time can be used more effectively by answering any questions they may have, as well as inquiring the topic. If you are interested in watching some of my videos, then you can click this link: https://www.studypug.com/ca/