Teaching Yourself A Course to Achieve Superhuman Grades

What does it take to do well in a course?  Specifically a science course.  These are a few tips that I’ve heard from some students:

1.  Do Problem Sets [chemistry]

2. Don’t skip class

3. Preread!

Those are just a few, and those extremists,yeah the ones who get 90+ on all their courses, dont practice till they get it right, they practice till they CANT get it wrong.  Thats the mentality I want going foward.  Now that I’m going into 2nd year, there truly are no excuses not to get a fantastic average next year, that can compete with my high school average.  You see people get 97 in a course that the average was 60.  You immediately think those people are superhuman, but their not, their human.  They’re just more focused, and probably absorb material faster than you.  So why settle for a average-above average grade when you can get those superhuman grades too.  That’s exactly what I was thinking on the plane when I awoke from a dream, or should I say nightmare where I was a high school biology teacher *shudders*.  I thought realistically, that though I can be focused, and thats what I did second semester, sometimes you just dont have time!  You want to do all those problem sets twice, and all those practice midterms, but sometimes you only have time to do some and not all.  My best midterm to date was Chem 123 second midterm, but that midterm was AFTER reading week.  With time, you can accomplish anything.  Rushing, cramming, will get you to above average at best, atleast for me.  But thoroughly learning the material, key word ‘thoroughly’ will definitely let you reach those Superhuman Grades.  Thus I have found a solution!  Why don’t I teach myself the course, before the course?!  It seems bullet proof, the difficult part is finding the resources.

One thing I learned from my second semester course was that my learning was about 85% myself and 10% Professor and 5% High school knowledge.  Pretty much if you dont do readings, or problems, or anything,  just go to lectures then chill, in a science course, I cant imagine you getting like 94+ in the class, I cant imagine you passing! (Though there are the lucky few) .  When you go to Irving and its packed, people are learning from themselves, with lectures acting as somewhat of a supplement.

I will be taking Chem 233, Biol200, Phys102, among many others next year -__- , and I want to prepare for these courses thoroughly before diving in.  That way when the course comes around, I’ll keep up, but it’ll be like a review, itll be less fresh, and those difficult concepts (which I know theres a lot in chem233!) wont be as difficult because it wont be new material.  Now due to the fact that I am highly resourceful if I say so myself, I have lecture slides from 2 different professors per course, tons of sample midterms, problem sets with solutions, the textbooks, and even have some ochem for dummies and physics for dummies as supplement.  The hardest part of this whole process will likely be staying focused and serious, its easy to slack when what your doing is by choice and not actually graded.  So I will give weekly updates with how this whole plan goes.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer!



About binta

UBC First year student. :)

10 responses to “Teaching Yourself A Course to Achieve Superhuman Grades

  1. The only problem with that is that there’s more to a university experience than getting “superhuman grades”. And I’m not talking about getting drunk every Wednesday night at the PIT.

    If all you do with your 4 years here is study, you’re missing out on what most people remember as the best times of their lives. You won’t remember the equations and definitions when you graduate; the interactions, events, and challenges you find outside of a classroom are what will define and develop you.

    Speaking from experience, I would much rather lead an involved life with an 80% than have a 95% average devoid of wholeness.

    • I completely agree, there is more than grades. And this blog is just generally speaking. I’m trying to get a job this summer, and have free time, so why not use it so I can benefit from it academically. I don’t plan to only study, I also hope to get research opportunities, and volunteer opportunities, and these opportunities come a bit easier when you excel in courses related to them. And I hope to get to med school along with the other thousands in Science, it’s my dream, and I know scholarships will have to be the main route for me, scholarships that I can ensure with ‘superhuman grades’ and I personally think my working career when I’m finally done will be the best years of my life, cause then I can finally just help people rather than learn to. 🙂 Its all about preference, but I definitely see where your coming from.

    • I agree with Alex 🙂

      • I feel like this blog entry is being interpreted the wrong way, just because I’m talking about WANTING to get ‘superhuman’ grades doesn’t mean I value nothing else. I’d be ecstatic with 80’s too, because an A is an A at the end of the day, but because I didn’t exactly do exceptional my first semester its gonna take a few semesters of amazing grades to bring my average up. 🙂

  2. I don’t have the same motivation as I used to, to get super human grades. This might be some sort of second year slump…I can see your motivation though (med school.) Good luck!

  3. Recent UBC science graduate

    Hi Binta, I am a recent UBC chemistry graduate (May 2011). I just want to say that you’re amazing, and I wish I had your resourcefulness and determination when I was going through my 1st and 2nd year. Best wishes for all your future works!

  4. herry

    UBC sucks. I didn’t study at all and got 98% in my first year. (I’m in Combined Honors of Math and Physics) Obviously the 4th year courses at UBC are 1st year courses at Stanford, Caltech, Berkeley, Harvard. Go to stellar schools if you can. Undergrad School DOES MATTER a lot!

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