Lab 2a – General Plant Anatomy and Structure – Cell Tissues and Stems

Learning Objectives

1. Identify plant cell types based on structure and application of stains
2. Identify the anatomy and morphology (cells, tissues and tissue systems) of a given plant stem.
3. Explain primary growth, initiation of lateral meristems, and secondary growth using appropriate terminology.
4. Explain and provide examples of the structural features of stems and their components (eg. wood and cork) confer qualities that are useful to people.
5. Apply botanical terminology


Cells are the fundamental building blocks of a plant. Individually, these cells have limited function, but a collaboration between a number of cells can result in specific and sophisticated functions. The vascular system of plants, as in humans, is responsible for most of the circulation of nutrients and water. It is the combination of cell types into a tissue that coordinate such movement. In this section we will examine different tissue types as well as how tissues are organized within the plant.


1. The Plant Cell

2. Cell and Tissue Types

3. Stems

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