Schedule of DOC at UBC’s First Nations Longhouse

Sept. 18th programming at the UBC Longhouse
You are encouraged to drop by for however long you are able to and participate with other members of the university who will be on campus that day – 1985 West Mall:
(PNE broadcast) Welcome to the Territory and Opening Ceremonies
Join First Nations leaders and other representatives who will welcome Survivors and the TRC to Vancouver for the BC National Event
(Longhouse) Welcome message from CTLT, Acknowledgement of Musqueam territory and space ( FNHL) 
10:00-11:00am – What is UBC’s Role – History, Context  
(Longhouse) Brief Presentation and short videos (UBC Our Truth Video, What is Reconciliation, ) 
What have we learned about Indian Residential Schools? Reflective Activity facilitated by CTLT
(PNE broadcast)  Reconciliation Dialogue- Be the Change – Young People Healing the Past and Building the Future
Join this cross-cultural dialogue among young panelists who are facing the intergenerational impacts of human rights violations such as the residential schools, Holocaust, Japanese internment and Chinese head tax – and turning reconciliation into action
12:00-1:00pm – Lunch 
CTLT Flash Mob performance
Weaving together First Nations’ traditional knowledge and UBC Biology – Liane, Pam, and Shona
Faculty of Forestry video 
Sustainability – My Role is….Banner
(PNE broadcast) Commissioners Sharing Circle
These panels allow survivors to share their truth with the Commissioners of the TRC in the main forum of the event. The typical length of allocated time is less than 15 minutes. Advanced registration is needed to make a statement at the Commissioners Sharing Panel.
2:00- 3:00pm
Sharing our Truth at UBC- Participants will have an opportunity to engage with activities and resources at the First Nations House of Learning. Some of these activities include: Contributing to the reflection wall, We were so far away: The Inuit Experience of Residential Schools exhibition, Display from Biology: “The Science of Cedar, The Symbolism and Genetics of the Spirit Bear, and The Coast Salish Wool Dog!” and many more.
Resources and activities have been created by UBC faculty, staff and students as well as community organizations as a way to engage the campus in a process of learning and understanding more about the history and legacy of the Indian Residential school system in Canada. 
Whose Knowledge Counts? Schools as Oppressors and Liberators
Jolanta Lekich, Caroline Reukurt (Jumpstart/Global Lounge)
Description: According to Michael Apple, “Education is deeply implicated in the politics of culture. The curriculum is never a neutral assemblage of knowledge, it is always part of a selective tradition, someone’s selection, some group’s vision of legitimate knowledge”. The decision to define specific knowledge as official knowledge creates an education system that can act as an oppressor, liberator and transformer. In this workshop, we will begin a critical discussion around such issues as Residential Schools and broader issues of colonialism in schooling. Students will have the opportunity to discuss what counts as knowledge as well as share their own stories, reflect on their own schooling and look at education as a tool for opportunity and transformation.
4:30-4:45- Closing Circle