The Project and Us

Hi everyone,


Welcome to our blog! Our team is comprised of six Civil Engineering students: Keith Russell, Jack Liu, Aria Ashtiani, Carson Xu, Parastoo Ghazizadeh, and Farindokht Lari and is headed by our outstanding mentor Carlo Penacerrada.  We not only have a technically skilled group, but one that is passionate about the task at hand. The project is very exciting and offers an opportunity for us to create a solution that we can be proud of for years to come.


Our roles will be as follows:

Keith Russell – Blogger
Farindokht Lari – Mediator
Jack Liu – Secretary
Carson Xu – Client Liaison
Parastoo Ghazizadeh –  Leader/Organizer
Aria Ashtiani – Documentor


The goal of the project is to keep birds from roosting in and on the structure of Science World’s geodesic dome. This could potentially cause damage to the exterior of the structure — one that is unique and, in all likelihood, very expensive to repair. We are all looking forward to discussing these challenges and how to approach them with Science World representatives.

If we succeed, we will save Science World from having to make costly repairs, and the community may also benefit from fewer aggressive birds near Creekside Park. Perhaps more importantly less downtime for maintenance on the building will lead to Science World  being able to fulfill its goal of instilling scientific interest in young minds.


Hello Civil 202 Students!

My name is Carlo Domini Penacerrada. I am a fourth year geological engineering student and I will be your CBEL Mentor!

I come with a handful of community service learning experience such as:

-Three years with Community Learning Initiative-CLI UBC as a student project manager for the Reading Break Project

-An Engineering Peer Academic Coach (EPAC) where we provide guidance to engineering students that may need help with academics

-Peer Coordinator for the Vice President’s Emerging Leaders program-Engineering Cohort

But I also have work experience:

-Eight months working for Search Minerals, a grass root mineral exploration company based in Labrador, Newfoundland

-Four months working for Teck Coal-Fording River Operation with their mineral exploration department

-Currently working on an eight month term with Golder Associates-Burnaby Office

I am here to give you guidance and feedback. Don’t hesitate to contact me for any help. My primary contacts are:

Email: &

Cell: 778-839-6593

And if it is urgent, I am more than willing to give you my direct office line which is: