Final Blog Post

It was of critical importance to us that the community as a whole be taken into account when assessing our plan of action for this project. While Science World is technically our client, the surrounding community also dictates what we can and cannot do. After our first few site visits we stopped looking at the framework and structure of Science World and started looking around the intersection – the community centre to the south, the parks and apartments to the east.  We are very excited that the solution that we have come up with will likely not have any negative impacts on the surrounding community. In turn, by helping Science World save money the project will in turn allow further investment in new exhibits, allowing Science World to do what it does best – instill scientific interest in young minds.

Perhaps the most important lesson learned through this project was how important it was to stick to deadlines. While some of how deadlines may have seemed like arbitrary dates to outsiders, they were what kept us working as a single student body. When the team was ready and prepared to accomplish what needed to be accomplishing, the sky was the limit. We even surprised ourselves sometimes at how thoroughly and efficiently we could research and write about our topics.

We would like to once again thank our mentor, Carlo Penacerrada, our professor Susan Nesbitt, and the whole Telus World of Science staff – Dustin, Mila and Chad.