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WordPress Core upgraded to 3.3.2

WordPress has been updated to 3.3.2 this was a security update.

Upgrade to WordPress 3.3.2

On Tuesday April 23 between 4:00 – 5:00 PM, UBC Blogs will be upgraded to run on WordPress version 3.3.2. This is a security upgrade and no functional changes are expected with this release. No down time is expected.

Subscribe2 upgraded to version 8.2

Plugin changelog

Wiki Embed Upgraded 1.4.2

Plugin Changelog:

List Category Posts Upgraded 0.24

List Category Posts upgraded to 0.24 Plugin Changelog:

WP Touch Version 1.9.40

WP Touch upgraded Version 1.9.40 Removed: AppStores support – please visit the AppStores website for the Javascript code to use if you’d like to continue using it Changed: Updated fitvids() video script   WP Touch changlog history: