
WordPress 4.9.8

WordPress has been updated to version 4.9.8 a security and maintenance release.

WordPress 4.9.6

WordPress has been updated to version 4.9.6 a privacy and maintenance release.

WordPress 4.9.5

WordPress has been updated to version 4.9.5.

WordPress 4.9.4

WordPress has been updated to version 4.9.4 on sites hosted by CTLT (CMS, Blogs, and others)

WordPress updated to 4.9.3

WordPress has been updated to version 4.9.3 – a maintenance release.

WordPress 4.9.1

UBC Blogs and UBC CMS have been updated to WordPress 4.9.1.

UBC Blogs Updated to WordPress 4.5.3 Maintenance and Security Release

UBC Blogs has been updated to version 4.5.3 for more information on the release please see

UBC Blogs updated to 4.5.2

This was a security release more details here.

UBC Blogs Updated to WordPress 4.4.2 Security and Maintenance Release

For more details see the release notes.

UBC Blogs updated to 4.4.1

UBC Blogs is now running WordPress 4.4.1. This is a security release. More details of the release on