
UBC Blogs Updated to 4.3.1 Security and Maintenance Release

UBC Blogs has been updated to 4.3.1 for more information on 4.3.1 please see the release announcement.

Twenty Sixteen Theme added

Twenty Sixteen Theme added

It’s 2015 but Twenty Sixteen is here step into the future.  Twenty Sixteen is a modernized take on an ever-popular WordPress layout — the horizontal masthead with an optional right sidebar that works perfectly for blogs and websites. It has custom color options with beautiful default color schemes, a harmonious fluid grid using a mobile-first […]

UBC Blogs Updated to 4.3 “Billie”

Version 4.3 of WordPress, named “Billie” in honor of jazz singer Billie Holiday, is now running on UBC Blogs. New features in 4.3 make it even easier to format your content and customize your site. The update also covers the security releases of 4.23 and 4.24. For more details on 4.3 see the release page. […]

UBC Blogs updated to 4.2.2

WordPress 4.2.2 fixes a cross-site scripting vulnerability contained in an HTML file shipped with recent Genericons packages included in the Twenty Fifteen theme as well as a number of popular plugins by removing the file. The release also includes hardening for a potential cross-site scripting vulnerability when using the Visual editor. In addition to the […]

UBC Blogs now running 4.2 “Powell”

Enjoy! **Note 4.2.1 was the update which covers an important security update.

UBC Blogs updated to 4.1.2

UBC Blogs was updated to 4.1.2 this was a critical security release more details here.

UBC Blogs Updated to 4.1.1

UBC Blogs has been updated to WordPress 4.1.1. This maintenance release fixes 21 bugs in version 4.1. WordPress 4.1.1 Maintenance Release

How do I add a user updated

Adding Students to Your Course Blog updated. See the update now >

Adding Students to Your Course Blog

Adding Students to Your Course Blog documentation updated. See the update >