Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-20

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Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-19

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-19 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.

Breaking news from UBC

UBC has finally announced its first snow day. Finally, after 3 and a half years being here I honestly expected this to happen way before. Unfortunately it happened on the last day of exams…

So if you have an afternoon/evening exam planned today, December 19th, it is cancelled. Check here: http://www.ubc.ca/bulletins/ Buses couldn’t make it past Alma due to overexcessive amounts of slipping and an inherent danger of sliding down that giant hill.

While some people think it’s a cause for celebration, I think it’s a cause for further suffering and depression because now those poor souls will have to continue studying well into their break since their exams are scheduled to be in early term 2. Yowza

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Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-18

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Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-17

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-17 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.

Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-16

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Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-15

Cheesecake Etc. on Urbanspoon
I must say I prefer the plain, strawberry, and trifle cheesecake options over the cherry cheesecake. The honey lemon water though was good–got a whole bottle of honey to myself :)
Congee Noodle House 粥麵館 on Urbanspoon
The chow mein was quite good! There wasn’t much vegetable variety, though, and the mushrooms weren’t my favourite. But I did like the noodles, and it was nice to get my tea filled without having to ask!

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As university students, we all experience stress in some way. Sometimes it is ignorable, sometimes it is  totally manageable, and at times it can feel utterly debilitating. Time management and relaxation strategies can work wonders with the first two scenarios, but for the last one, sometimes they just don’t cut it.

When I get this “intense stress” as I will call it, it feels like no matter how I organize myself, there are just not enough hours in the day to do everything I have to do. Because I have so. Much. Stuff. To. Do.  There is just so much I need to accomplish it’s overwhelming and I seriously doubt my ability to do it. And taking time for myself, meditating, exercising, and “relaxing” activities can’t take my brain off of everything I should be doing at that moment and worrying I won’t be able to do it all and that I won’t be able to do it well enough.

When I get intense stress, I tend to:

  1.  Tell myself I can handle it and micromanage my time; this often involves not giving myself enough time to relax and have fun, and also staying up later and getting up earlier to try to cram more stuff in a day. Less sleep and less brain-off time is the perfect breeding ground for intense stress.
  2. Focus poorly. When my brain is in ten million places at once, I can’t focus properly on the task at hand.
  3. Get frustrated. I can’t focus, and I’m running on a fried brain.  Do you think I’m getting good results from my labor? No.
  4. Push harder. I’m frustrated with my lack of progress, so I push myself harder to try to get them. Hello even more tired brain.  I tell myself I should stop (this usually goes for practicing for me), but I haven’t accomplished what I wanted to yet so I keep saying “Just a little longer” for what turns into a lot longer, resulting in even less progress and possibly injury (in the case of my hands).
  5. Cry. I break. I lie on the floor for a while.  I question my abilities and also the fairness of the universe.
  6. Check in with reality. Okay, clearly what I’m doing is not working, made obvious by my breakdown. I need to take a break. I need to breathe. I need to remember that even in the worst case scenario, I will still be alive, and there will still be people who love me. And those, above all, are the most important things. What I have to do isn’t going to be easy; it might not be fun.  But there is a pretty good chance things are going to be okay.  However, letting your stress possess you isn’t the way to get there.

What am I going to do now? Well, honestly, I’m not sure. I’m going to take it a day at a time. I’m going to take more me time, sleep more, not pack my days so full. Not get mad at myself if things don’t go the way I want. I’m going to do my best, and if it isn’t good enough, well. I’m just going to try to get through this degree, and then live my life at a pace I like.

Also I’m maybe going to look into stress management classes.


Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-14

  • Although the food arrived fast, Jang Mo Jib service was overall less than impressive. 11:44:16, 2012-12-15
  • I was quite pleased with the taste of the dish, but although I didn't notice any egg in my bowl, I did find a few egg shell bits. 11:41:46, 2012-12-15
  • Buh Sut Soon Doo Boo at Jang Mo Jib last night was good. Might try spicy next time as medium wasn't very spicy. 11:40:16, 2012-12-15
  • Mushroom Soft Tofu Pot at Jang Mo Jib with Edward, David, Alvin, and Rob http://t.co/IHv1abfg 22:35:30, 2012-12-14
Jang Mo Jib (Alexandra Rd) on Urbanspoon
I didn’t know there was a Jang Mo Jib in Richmond. As usual, I was pretty happy with the soft tofu pot. I wasn’t happy with the service, though (eg. had to ask several times for water)

The post Tyler’s Twitter Digest for 2012-12-14 appeared first on 夢と愛の千夜一夜.

Back from break

Back from the blogging break but going into the winter break.. Let me give you some updates!

  1. Finals – I’m sure I did fine in 3 out of 4 but I definitely BOMBED one. No joke. In the final I was panicking midway because I really didn’t the answers to a lot of questions.. I’m sure I’m going to end up with 70s in that one. It’s definitely going to be scary on the 19th when I find out my marks.
  2. Orientations – Most of the hiring for this year’s squad leaders is done! I’m really excited to meet all the new SLs this year and to work with them for all the crazy things that are happening in January like BOOt Camp and Group interviews. Right now I’m working on all the presentations, icebreakers, and workshops that are happening in the first week back to school… Needless to say I’m still busy after finals but it’s the fun kind of busy :)
  3. Special Visitor – There’s someone who’s going to be coming to Vancouver from Korea and I want to show him/her all the finest cuisines Vancouver has to offer. Anyone have suggestions? So far I have Vij’s for Indian, Q4 for pasta, and Stepho’s for Greek.
  4. Med School – Got the interview! First day, 10AM. Going to be different since last year I did it in the last weekend that was offered. The thing is there’s no feedback to work on from last year, but practice always helps.



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