About Me


Hi everyone and welcome to Blonde Ambition! My name’s Mikayla and I’m a member of UBC’s Blog Squad. I’m a first year student here on campus, majoring in International Relations and minoring in Psychology. Writing has always been something I’ve loved to do and I am so unbelievably excited to be able to share my ramblings with all of you!

A little backstory on me, I was born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA but grew up in Fishers, Indiana, USA. I moved to Canada when I was 11, and my family settled into Lethbridge, Alberta. I really love to travel and have been so fortunate to have experienced several cities in Mexico, much of the United States, Belgium, France, Monaco, and Italy. Funny enough though, I’ve only ever travelled to three Canadian provinces; Alberta, British Columbia, and Prince Edward Island.

I’m a fan of museums, cats, peppermint tea, acoustic music (don’t get me wrong, I still love a good pop song), big scarves, Pinterest, taking pictures, watercolours, Kate Spade designs, ballet, Broadway musicals, and road trips. Also, I’m always open to suggestions about the blog or things anyone would like me to write about, so feel free to shoot me an email at blondeambition@gmail.com or just tell me in person on campus!

If you like my writing or just want to read more about non-school related stuff, my main blog can be found at snapshotsandsparkles.com which is full of my ramblings about fashion, travel, and photography.

I hope you enjoy my blog, go Thunderbirds!

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