Brodie McLaughlin's Blog

The Place for Big Business in Social Issues

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When you consider big business, creative social solutions isn’t exactly the first thing to come to mind. In Michael Porter’s TED Talk The Case for Letting Business Solve Social Problems, Porter highlights many points that are extremely relevant in our present society. Historically, business has been viewed as the producers of social issues in the world, whether it be the fast food industry, extraction industries, drugs,… the list goes on, and that there is a trade-off between social and economic performance. To deal with this taboo, people relied upon, and…read more

Connections to the Natural World

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In the growing age of urbanization it is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life in a jungle of concrete. As we create lives in these spaces designed to distance us from natural spaces, how can we reconnect with the natural world and the resources that form the foundation of our existence and supply the raw materials taken for our consumption? City parks and green spaces are a way to overcome this separation. Not only are green spaces integral to mental health, they also…read more

Sustainability’s Ties to Conservation and Preservation

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Based on our in-class discussion on March 23rd, I thought it important to point out the differing schools of thought with respect to natural resources. In the 19th and 20th centuries, the likes of John Muir, Gifford Pinchot, and Aldo Leopold were changing Western society’s perspective on how resources can be managed and the place that nature and wild spaces have in everyday life. Gifford Pinchot had a very utilitarian perspective on natural resources, as such, is perceived as the founder of the conservation movement with regards to an anthropocentric perspective…read more

Lead With Questions, Not Answers

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Throughout this course, we have pursued the different ways in which companies can enact sustainability. Porter’s Creating Shared Value showcased to importance of redefining your company’s values and vision. By reworking your mission statement and clearly defining company values, CSV and CSR will be easier to measure. There are, however, other ways to carry out company goals. Olivia Sprinkle defines embedding sustainability as: “a dynamic process of generating environmental health and social values which is at the heart of the company’s purpose and how it does business. It is about enacting…read more

Growth Requires Bold Moves

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In an era where technology is rapidly advancing, the outdoor apparel and equipment industry have been successful in quelling this advance by maintaining the status quo through the use of attractive marketing tactics to give the illusion of garment advancement. Don’t get me wrong, I admire the growth of the industry in recent years, however, with synthetic materials overriding natural fibres such as cotton and wool, organizations seem to have gotten too caught up in its designs and new functional purposes than the impacts that its materials are having on…read more


Business Industry Advocacy

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Amidst the slew of “exciting” news coming from south of the 49th Parallel, corporations are coming together to send a political message. Before Ex-President Obama handed over the torch, he made one last public land delegation through creating the Bear Ears National Monument in Utah. Utah’s Governor, Gary Herbert, is taking action through the Trump administration to rescind the newly-instated National Monument. As a result of this action, Yvon Chouinard of Patagonia and Peter Metcalf of Black Diamond Equipment elected to boycott Outdoor Retailer, a trade show that takes place in…read more

The Future of Consumerism and Durable Goods

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Sustainable product development is becoming the pervasive way with which companies tackle climate change and appease consumers. As Garth Yule mentioned in his presentation for Junxion, corporations attempt to offer solutions to climate change and sustainability through consumer behaviour. While consumers cannot be left out of the solution, companies need to step up and use product, process, and material innovation. The ski industry has always intrigued me and I notice the pressures and hype associated with new products (skis). This includes companies releasing “new” products every year, although they are…read more


Introduction and How I Came to Be Here

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As I move into another semester studying “sustainability”, I am again asked to define it. I have spent a handful hours brooding over the meaning of this word – not only what it means to me personally, but what it means to society, our future, business, and many other facets. This definition is ever changing for myself, yet the common thread has been upholding future generations. I was privileged to be raised in a manner that exposed me to a multitude of outdoor activities that lead to my subsequent obsession…read more


Organizational Values

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In Tom Hale‘s post on Backroads’ blog, The Back Beat, the founder of Backroads muses on the hiring practice of their trip leaders. In our class discussion on Organizational Behaviour, we discussed organizational culture and values, and how they are formed. An interest in a company and a passion that is in line with that company’s values is often something that draws potential employees. As discussed with Zappos, they ensure that they create an environment in which their employees are 100% on board with the company. In doing so, Zappos…read more


The Arc

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There is a certain taboo surrounded with entering a community and offering advise in the hope to improve a situation. This often creates a double standard, putting into question the motives of those providing the “help” and whether or not the “help” is useful or consented. The University of British Columbia’s Arc Initiative aims to provide communities with tools in order to expand the global community. By initiating relationships with these communities, UBC is expanding their network and building a shared value in business. The world of business at this…read more


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