Never fear, the lenders are here

November 17th, 2013 § 0 comments

Social entrepreneurship is defined by Google Dictionary as “the process of pursuing suitable solutions to social problems, whilst adopting a mission to create and sustain social value.” Many entrepreneurs in third world nations have faced various financial problems when it comes to wanting to start up their own businesses – and as lenders around the world begin to lend a helping hand, eco-friendly business people in third world nations such as central Africa and Colombia are beginning to gain confidence in entering the international market.

Why do this? Lenders have been concerned about the employment issues in several parts of the world and came to the conclusion that if more entrepreneurs were able and willing to start their own businesses, employment rates will rise as the demand for human labor increases.

According to the ILO, in order to maintain today’s level of unemployment, 400 million new jobs must be created in the next decade or so – and the fact that unemployment in present day is already rising imposes a problem. If this problem is not treated soon, not only will current unemployment levels rise, this will also not allow for a sustainable future employment rate and will effect other parts of the economy, e.g. inflation.

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