The Truth Behind Funny Advertisements

November 18th, 2013 § 0 comments

The first thing we notice after watching this advert is the humor in it, how it was great and memorable, and how the idea was funny and original. However, due to the tricks of the trade video marketers have used these days, advertisements like that of the above really has more than what meets the eye.

Video advertisements nowadays are created to target the market of the product, to be memorable, and to essentially attract more customers. A lot of planning goes into video marketing, for example having to set a time it is shown (e.g. after school hours on television if the target market is children). This Pepsi ad was actually shown on late nights as it catered to adults who would stay up to watch television, who would very likely enjoy a Pepsi whilst doing so. The desired psychological effect a company wants to have on its customers must also be decided upon, and this ad creates the feeling that Pepsi allows us to feel connected to out spiritual roots, to enable us to achieve what we always wanted to be (e.g. the kid wanting to become an established monk and finally doing so when he had pepsi.) The setting also plays an important role, this ad looks like it could have played around Asia, Europe or America, but unlikely to have been played in Africa, for example.


Pepsi commercial:

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