Snapchat Photo Recovery: Business Ethics

October 7th, 2013 § 0 comments

Snapchat is an ever-popular photo messaging app that appeals to teenagers of modern day. The beauty of Snapchat is that the photo messages users send to one another can only be shown for ten seconds maximum, and then is supposedly deleted forever.

But is this all just a marketing scam that doesn’t really prove to be true? A recent ethical issue raised associated to Snapchat is that the app, and the company, isn’t necessarily deleting these photos ‘forever’. Somewhere, a third party company has discovered that it is indeed possible to recover these Snapchat photo messages, and offers this service at an affordable price. This has proceeded to demonstrate and leak news that Snapchat is being used as a teenage hub for “sexting” which, on its own, is controversial enough. This has concerned parents all around the world and other users of Snapchat that aren’t using the app for such a purpose.

Other ethical issues that have arised from Snapchat include the fact that cyber stalkers could easily retrieve these photos and post them up on the internet for the entire population of the world to see. This has also made consumers angry, because they were guaranteed a ‘deleted forever’ condition for their photo messages over Snapchat. Parents of those involved in ‘Snapchat sexting’ scandals from various parts of the world are beginning to question the reliability and purpose of Snapchat.

Currently, Snapchat has not given back to the media on the situation at hand and the actions they would do to prevent their photos from being leaked again.

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