Whether parents should burden University Tuition debt for their children?

         ‘We hear a lot of the horror stories that some students have $40,000, $50,000 in debt” (Ross Campbell, financial planner, CBC news). Indeed, tuition debt has become a serious problem in Canada for graduates these years.


The truth is that University tuition fees are normally paid by Canadian parents nowadays, as they do not want their children to graduate with heavy debt. Therefore, in order to avoid the overwhelming pressure for their children, who are going to start a new life in the real society, parents begin to store the money in advance as well as delay the date of retirement for earning more money.


According to the survey that did by CIBC, about a third of parents will delay retirement because of costs related to paying for their children’s university tuition. (CBC news) Although it is not worthwhile for parents to store such great amount money in bank in a long period, financial plans that are provided by Banks are still popular among parents.


Could students shoulder their own responsibility to owe their own tuition fee and work hard for it? Leslie, a student who was graduated with $0 tuition debt, has spent her university life on saving money and working for several organizations. Apart from the money side, the accumulated experience that was earned during her works is the most important and uncountable treasure, which will lead her to a bright life in the future.

In conclusion, to concern about ourselves, as a student, we should think more about our own responsibility, more importantly, obtaining the real skills and getting through tough lives successfully.




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