MOOGLEMan, I’ve just been geeking out while I’ve been in Japan, but hey! There’s nothing wrong in that nor was there nothing wrong with the food in Akihabara’s Eorzea Cafe. With a couple of friends, we had a delicious expedition into the Final Fantasy XIV cafe here and boy, it was something. Not only was the place beautiful, but the food was absolutely delicious.

On the left here is a Moogle honey toast: a visual testimony as to why this place is a must-go for Final Fantasy lovers. Not only does the food look amazing, but it tasted as equally as great, kupo. Honestly, I was half-expecting some “decent” food considering the novelty of the place. However, the reservation was worth it (it was a lucky steal too, since we basically reserved last minute and they fill up extremely fast). Destroying our dishes was an exercise in tough love. Although we looked like a bunch of tourists snapping LEVIATHANpictures non-stop at our table, it was simply impossible to ignore the hard work and effort the chefs put into our food. Just look at it! All happy and cute—until my friend carved its face out (rest in peace).

For my main dish, I ordered a plate themed after the Leviathan. You can see a nori cutout of the Sea King on my plate as well as a coaster with its name on it. With every drink and dish you got, you were handed a little coaster as a gift. Also, when you first enter, you have to choose your “class,” too. I chose the Bard card. I’d make a joke about being spoony, but I’m far from being spoony, darn you.

BOMBHowever, the whole experience was something you’d never be able to find anywhere else. The level of detail put into making the cafe is astonishing. Stained glass windows, game inspired plates and goblets, and the constant pleasant hum of music from the Final Fantasy XIV soundtrack helped make this cafe its own world. When we stepped in, we took a small trip away from Japan and entered a whole new world, it felt like.

I mean, where else do you get a dish that sizzles and threatens to explode your entire face off? Not that it would have actually exploded. The lawsuit would’ve been too heated…

Anyways, I recommend that if you’re a Final Fantasy fan to check this place out. It’s a one-of-a-kind experience. Not only is the food worth it (now that I think of it, it was relatively cheap), but it’s a memory I couldn’t have made anywhere else. I’m probably going back again, if not to collect the rest of the coasters, heh heh heh. Until next time!