Daily Archives: September 27, 2014

Nike’s Appeal to Women

I have learned in Comm 101 that segmenting to a specific audience and positioning is vital for success. This is exactly why Nike has such a high success – Nike has been rapidly increasing sales to women during the past years.

Nike’s Women’s Clothing

In the previous decade, Nike’s earning calls only mention the word “women” in the single digit range; today, the word “women” is mentioned as many as times as “innovation.” Nike has realized the importance of broadening their audience to not only include women, but target them. With the current growing trend of “athleisure” popular for women, Nike has decided to become a powerhouse in the female athletic-clothing industry.

Nike, Lululemon, Underarmor Cr: dailyfinance

I personally believe that targeting women in a attire of clothing that is typically for men is a genius move. Most athletic clothing in the previous decades were advertised to men. Now, more companies have been creating ads targeted at women, especially Nike, Adidas and Reebok. Brands such as Lululemon that focus on women are becoming more prevalent now as well. The real challenge for Nike is to become the number one brand for women’s apparel. Al Ries and Jack Trout state the importance of being number one in a niche – Nike will have to figure out a strategy to make it the number one brand for women’s apparel, unique from brands such as Lululemon and Under Armor as rivals.