Daily Archives: November 6, 2014

The Difference in being Remarkable

In Comm 101, I have learned about the importance of positioning and points of differences in making a company successful; key elements that make a company unique and able to become leaders in their industry fields. I have always believed points of differences were only unique characteristics in a company, such as Sensodyne’s sensitive toothpaste or McDonald’s superb Happy Meals. Additionally, I thought positioning was only about being first in an industry. However, in John Jantsch’s blog on “The Secret to Building the Most Profitable Business Possible,” Jantsch brings a new perspective of positioning and PoD’s: the difference is in being remarkable.

Sensodyne Cr. Sensodyne

McDonalds Cr. McDonalds

I personally love this viewpoint on point of differences. Sometimes being remarkable, having high quality goods and services, may be the best difference compared to competitors in the same industry. I believe brands such as Gucci and Hermes’ points of difference is in being remarkable – high quality and fashionable. Their positioning may not be in being the first company in the handbag or satchel industry, but in being the first at being high quality, fashionable and highly desired. Having a specific difference such as sensitive toothpaste may appeal to a niche market, but being an amazing toothpaste will appeal to everyone. I believe bringing the best quality to consumers will make them loyal, whether that be a point of difference of uniqueness or of being just superb overall.