Daily Archives: November 5, 2014

McDonalds can be…Healthy?

As a previous McDonald employee, I have always believed in the strength of McDonalds and its position as the number one fast food chain in North America. However, after a reading of Peter Lee’s blog and an article by Business Insider about McDonald’s “downfall,” I would like to express my opinion on the subject.

McDonalds Happy Meal: A very highly advertised item Cr. McDonalds Canada

McDonalds Cappuccino: McCafe are unhealthy and highly advertised Cr. McDonalds Canada

McDonalds has been the number one fast food chain for decades with its low prices and amazing marketing. However, after the 3.3% worldwide sale drop last year, what is going on? I agree with Peter’s point that McDonald has not been able to adapt to the new needs of their customer segments. Since numerous fast food chains offer healthier alternatives as their value proposition such as A&W and their use of beef without steroids and hormones or Arby’s roast options, McDonalds has not been marketing their healthier alternatives well . As an employee, I know McDonalds has healthier options; however, I believe their large focus on children meals and low prices is not strong enough to compete against the growing desire for healthier meals. People view McDonalds as cheap and unhealthy – negative connotations of the business. I believe McDonalds has to start marketing that they have healthier options if they want to stay at the top of the industry. Everyone knows they are cheap and most children already love McDonalds – no one knows that a McDonalds large Southwest Chicken Wrap is only 460 calories.