Daily Archives: November 8, 2014

What Everyone Else in the World Needs: Social Entrepreneurship

” If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?

The United Nations Cr. The United Nations

The United Nations is a union of countries that delegate and help solve problems that involve peace, security, development of third world countries, human rights, humanitarian affairs and international law – one would think that a powerful union of powerhouse countries can help fix most of the world’s problems. However, I believe this is not the solution to numerous problems ongoing in third world countries. The UN is amazing at solving larger conflicts and situations, such as human trafficking in Darfur and mass murders in Gambia. I believe when it comes to smaller situations of helping communities grow and prosper, the UN does not have the time to accomplish them. This is when I believe the Arc and Social Entrepreneurship can help.

Students in the Arc Initiative in Sauder Cr. Arc Initiative

The Arc, run by Sauder students, helps communities grow in third world countries by partnering with local business owners to build local businesses and leadership capacity. The initiative helps businesses prosper in countries where business owners would not have the access to resources to start and grow their business effectively – the Arc provides this. The Arc shows the importance of social entrepreneurship – they provide a more personalized, specific approach to building communities and tackling social problems that the United Nations would not have the time for. The United Nations’ operations are broad and focus on large topics; they cannot tackle specific communities or towns and help build them. I believe the UN stops emergencies, while social entrepreneurs solve problems and tackle issues on a smaller and more direct scale. The UN will not spend its time helping businesses in Shega Shero grow, but the Arc will.

Fitih Tesfaye, a local business owner in Ethiopia Cr. Arc Initiative