Monthly Archives: January 2013

Ethical Marketing – does it really exist?

According to Financial Times Lexicon, Ethical marketing is defined as: “a process through which companies generate customer interest in products/services, build strong customer interest/relationships, and create value for all stakeholders by incorporating social and environmental considerations in products and promotions. All aspects of marketing are considered, from sales techniques to business communication and business development.”

Using this definition, a company that would fit this criteria is Whole Foods. Whole Foods sets ethical standards for the company’s practices, and meets them (FarWest Capital). For example “last year, Whole Foods voluntarily purchased extensive amounts of green power to reduce the environmental impacts of conventional electricity use”, reinforcing their reputation of being a ‘green’ company (FarWest Capital).

However, to me ethical marketing has a much simpler meaning. I believe that ethical marketing occurs when a company/individual portrays one’s product(s) in an honest and truthful way.

Using my understanding of the term, I don’t believe it exists. Here is why. Everyday, the individual is marketing his/herself to the world. Girls put on makeup to make themselves more attractive, guys gel their hair. Profile pictures on social media sites (and especially dating sites) are the photo(s) in which one looks his/her best. How often have you said “Wow, they definitely don’t look like their picture”? On resumes, there is commonly a stretching of the truth to make oneself appear more suitable for the job. Certain qualities and interests are highlighted, while others are conveniently left off. So my point is: if we can’t even market ourselves in an ethical manner, how can we market our companies/brands/products so?

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog! I’m not going to pretend I know exactly what a blog is, or what sort of posts I’m supposed to make, so this blog may seem incredibly disjointed to start. But please bear with me as I undergo this process!